We propose a new cyclic reaction based on the concept of two-color two-photon excitation. N-Methylphtalimide(MePI)-linked 4-methoxybenzophenone (MeOBP) was synthesized. The excited benzophenone ketyl radicalformed by the two-color two-photon excitation reduces the MePI moiety to form the diphenylmethanol cationand the MePI radical anion (MePI•-). The cation quickly deprotonates to regenerate MeOBP. In the presenceof an appropriate electron acceptor, MePI•- reduces the acceptors to regenerate the initial state. As a result,the circular reaction is completed. The proposed cyclic reaction produces one reducing reagent (radical anion)and one proton from two photons (UV and vis light) and a hydrogen donor.