| - A convenient and effective strategy based on the unique characteristics of Azure I/multi-walled carbon nanotube(Azure I/MWNT) composite membranes and the amplification response of enzymes to the antigen−antibodyreaction was used to develop a highly sensitive amperometric immunosensor for the detection of α-fetoprotein(AFP). A novel type of Azure I/MWNT composite membrane was fabricated by two steps: first, acid-pretreatedMWNT was modified on the surface of glassy carbon electrode. Then, Azure I was coated on MWNT toobtain an Azure I/MWNT composite membrane. Subsequently, gold nanoparticles were adsorbed onto theAzure I/MWNT composite surface by electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged gold nanoparticleand the positively charged Azure I. Later, AFP antibodies were assembled onto the surface of gold nanoparticles.Finally, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) instead of bovine serum albumin was employed to block sites againstnonspecific binding and amplified the current signal of the antigen−antibody reaction. Several techniques,including cyclic voltammetry, UV−vis absorption spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmissionelectron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,have been employed to characterize the assembly process. Because of the electrocatalytic ability of HRP andMWNT for the reduction of H2O2 and the unique properties of gold nanoparticles, and especially the synergisticaugmentation of Azure I and MWNT to facilitate electron-transfer processes, the immunosensor displayed ahigh sensitivity, fast analytical time, and broader linear response to AFP in two ranges from 0.1 to 8.0 and8.0 to 250.0 ng/mL with a relatively low detection limit of 0.04 ng/mL at 3 times the background noise.Moreover, the studied immunosensor possessed good reproducibility and storage stability. The proposedmethodology was economical, efficient, and potentially attractive for clinical immunoassays.