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Formation and Photoluminescence Characterization of Transparent Silica Glass Preparedby Solid-Phase Reaction of Nanometer-Sized Silica Particles
Adsorption of Cysteine on Cu(110) Studied by Core-Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Fabrication of Indium Sulfide Hollow Spheres and Their Conversion to Indium OxideHollow Spheres Consisting of Multipore Nanoflakes
Surface Tailoring for Controlled Photoelectrochemical Properties: Effect of Patterned TiO2 Microarrays
Solvothermal Synthesis of CdS Nanowires for Photocatalytic Hydrogen and ElectricityProduction
Fabrication and Growth Mechanism of Selenium and Tellurium Nanobelts through aVacuum Vapor Deposition Route
Phase Boundaries and Reversibility of LiBH4/MgH2 Hydrogen Storage Material
Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Measurements of Interactions between C60 FullereneMolecules
Iron Oxide Tube-in-Tube Nanostructures
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Type-sII Hydrogen Clathrate Hydrate Close toEquilibrium Conditions
Carbon Nanotubes Grow on the C Face of SiC (0001̄) during Sublimation Decomposition: Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Hydration of MCM-41 Studied by Sorption Calorimetry
Purification of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using a Supercritical Fluid ExtractionMethod
Thermoresponsive Behaviors of Poly(oxypropylene)-amidoamine Functionalized CarbonNanotubes
Polyglycidol-Based Analogues of Pluronic Block Copolymers. Light Scattering andCryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies
On the Influence of Anions in Binary Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for MonolithicDye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Planar Defects in Sn-Doped Single-Crystal ZnO Nanobelts
Determination of the Driving Force for the Hydration of the Swelling Clays fromComputation of the Hydration Energy of the Interlayer Cations and the Clay Layer
Nanoporous S-Layer Protein Lattices. A Biological Ion Gate with Calcium Selectivity
Diffusion Dynamics of the Li Ion on C60: A Direct Molecular Orbital−MolecularDynamics Study
Adsorption of Pyruvic and Succinic Acid by Amine-Functionalized SBA-15 for thePurification of Succinic Acid from Fermentation Broth
Modification of Nanostructured TiO2 Electrodes by Electrochemical Al3+ Insertion: Effectson Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance
Surface-State-Mediated Electron Transfer at Nanostructured ZnO Multipod/ElectrolyteInterfaces
Equilibration Time: Kinetics of Gas Adsorption on Closed- and Open-Ended Single-WalledCarbon Nanotubes
Cyclic Cluster Study on the Formation of Brucite from Periclase and Water
Bond-Energy Study of Photorefractive Properties of Doped Lithium Niobate Crystals
Nontrivial Tuning of the Hydrogen-Binding Energy to Fullerenes with Endohedral MetalDopants
Role of Water in the Ion Selectivity of Niobate-Based Octahedral Molecular Sieves
Tailored Anatase/Brookite Nanocrystalline TiO2. The Optimal Particle Features for Liquid-and Gas-Phase Photocatalytic Reactions
Dehydrogenation of Light Alkanes over Isolated Gallyl Ions in Ga/ZSM-5 Zeolites
Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B over Pb3Nb4O13/Fumed SiO2 Composite underVisible Light Irradiation
TiO2−Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Heterojunction Arrays and Their Charge SeparationCapability
Kinetic Studies for the Electrocatalytic Reduction ofBis(2-mercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazoyl)-5,5‘-disulfide at a Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)Film-Modified Electrode via Rotating-Disk Electrode Voltammetry
Formation of Vertically Oriented TiO2 Nanotube Arrays using aFluoride Free HCl Aqueous Electrolyte
Alignment, Electronic Properties, Doping, and On-Chip Growth of Colloidal PbSeNanowires
A Mechanism Study on the Synthesis of Cu/Pd Nanoparticles with Citric Complexing Agent
Investigation of the Reactions during Alkylation of Chlorine-Terminated Silicon (111)Surfaces
Determination of Surface Coverage and Orientation of Reduced Cytochrome c on a SilicaSurface with Polarized ATR Spectroscopy
Size-Dependent Phase Transition of Diamond to Graphite at High Pressures
Relaxation Dynamics of Ruthenium Complexes in Solution, PMMA and TiO2 Films: TheRoles of Self-Quenching and Interfacial Electron Transfer
Seed-Mediated Growth of Uniform Gold Nanoparticle Arrays
Activated Dissociation of CO2 on Rh(111) and CO Oxidation Dynamics
Enhanced Red Emission in CaMoO4:Bi3+,Eu3+
Insight into the Structures and Properties of Morphology-Controlled Legs of Tetrapod-LikeZnO Nanostructures
H−ZSM-5 Modified Zeolite: Quantum Chemical Models of Acidic Sites
High-Quality Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Catalytic Decomposition ofXylene over Fe−Mo/MgO Catalyst and Their Field Emission Properties
Local and Global Dynamics of Transient Polymer Networks and Swollen Gels Anchored onSolid Surfaces
Terahertz Dielectric Properties and Low-Frequency Phonon Resonances of ZnONanostructures
Acceleration of the Homogeneous and Electrochemical Reductions of Dioxygen in AproticMedia by Ammonium Ions. Is the Driving Force a Function of NH4+ Concentration? WhatIs the Mechanism of the Reaction?
Influence of the Iron Oxide Acid−Base Properties on the Chemisorption of Model EpoxyCompounds Studied by XPS
Functionalizing Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks: Effect on Electrical andElectrochemical Properties
Structure of Au(111) and Au(100) Single-Crystal Electrode Surfaces at Various Potentials inSulfuric Acid Solution Determined by In Situ Surface X-ray Scattering
Correlations between SFG Spectra and Electrical Properties of Organic Field EffectTransistors
Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles at the Surface of Amine- and Thiol-FunctionalizedBoron Nitride Nanotubes
Influence of Confinement on the Long-Range Mobility of Water Molecules within ClayAggregates: A 2H NMR Analysis Using Spin-Locking Relaxation Rates
Surface Energy and Melting Temperature of Elemental Nanocavities
Theoretical Studies of the Formation and Reactivity of C2 Hydrocarbon Species on theFe(100) Surface
Enhanced Thermal Stability of Gold and Silver Nanorods by Thin Surface Layers
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