| - Herein we present an experimental study of the spectral dependence of the photogenerated current of opal-based solar cells. We analyze the incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) for dye-sensitizedsolar cells in which colloidal crystals are introduced in different configurations. We prove that a dye-sensitizednanocrystalline titanium oxide electrode moulded in the shape of an inverse opal shows a decrease of efficiencyfor the spectral region in which a photonic stop band opens up. Contrarily, when a standard thin film ofdisordered titania nanocrystallites is coupled to an inverse opal, the mirror effect of the photonic crystal atband gap frequencies increases the light harvesting efficiency of the cell and thus the IPCE. This effect isfurther demonstrated by coupling an inverse opal multilayer to a homogeneous electrode, with two well-defined spectral ranges of increased photogenerated current being detected.