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The kinetics and mechanism of the thermal decomposition of dimethylmercury
Solutions of hydrochloric acid in formamide. I. Thermodynamic properties from electromotive force measurements
Chlorophyll-poly(vinylpyridine) complexes. I. Conditions for formation and stability
The influence of the alkali halides on the structure of water
Calorimetric measurement of transition enthalpies in the polynucleotidesystem poly A-poly U
Solvent proticity via erythrosin internal conversion
The effect of temperature on the absorption spectrum of the hydrated electron and on its bimolecular recombination reaction
Ultraviolet photolysis of x-irradiated methanol at
Electron spin resonance spectra of 9-phenylanthracene and 9,10-diphenylanthracene anion radicals
Electronic structure of nitrogen dioxide, its ions, and its dimer
Equations for the calculation of activity coefficients of solutions from the intensity of Brillouin scattering
Energy transfer in the liquid-phase radiolysis of binary alkane systems: cyclopentane-2,2,4-trimethylpentane, hexane-2,2,4-trimethylpentane, and hexane-cyclopentane
Vaporization of some amine-type perchlorates
Studies of electrolytic conductance in alcohol-water mixtures. IV. Hydrochloric acid in 1-propanol-water mixtures at 15, 25, and
Gas-liquid interface and solid support effects of polar solute-nonpolar solvent systems in gas chromatography
Low-frequency Raman spectra and molecular association in liquid formic and acetic acids
Conductance studies of ammonium and phosphonitrilium salts in acetonitrile at
Electron spin resonance specttra of radicals produced by the acetaldehyde-hydrogen peroxide-titanous system
Programmed stresses in homogeneous chemical kinetics. I. Aperiodic stress functions
Displacement of electron energy levels in semiconductors as a result of interactions
Pressure effects on the thermal decomposition of .beta.-cholestanyl S-methyl xanthate
Scaled-particle theory of dilute aqueous solutions
Nuclear magnetic resonance interpretation of diethylnickel complexes of substituted bipyridine
Inhibited Autoxidation of Squalane
Dilution effects on dimethylsiloxane ring-chain equilibria
Nuclear magnetic resonance fluorine-fluorine coupling constants in fluorotitanate complexes
Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of 3,3-dimethyloxetane
Radiation chemistry of aqueous nitrous oxide solutions
Circular Dichroism of Some Polypeptides in Solvent Mixtures Containing Strong Organic Acids
Ion-solvent interactions. VII. Apparent and partial molal volumes of some symmetrical tetraalkylammonium halides in anhydrous methanol solutions
Melting of polymer-diluent mixtures under pressure. I. Polyethylene-.alpha.-chloronaphthalene
Electron-hole trapping in x-irradiated calcium carbonate and sodium nitrate
Relaxation mechanisms in polymeric sulfur
Photolysis of propene at 1470 A
Thermodynamic aspects of the potassium hexacyano-ferrate(III)-(II) system. I. Ion association
Heat of dilution of some aqueous tetraalkylammonium fluorides
Hexamethylenetetramine aqueous solutions. Isopiestic data at and density and viscosity data in the range
A study of the surface structure of decationized Y zeolite by quantitative infrared spectroscopy
The hydration of amines in organic solvents
Structure of pyrazole
The absorption spectra of simple amides and peptides
Correlation of spectra of the monosubstituted benzenes and their hydroxy radical adducts
Comments on the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of diethylbipyridinenickel
Conformation of adsorbed polystyrene measured by attenuated total reflecctiin the ultraviolet region
Reactivity of 1-bromoalkanes with thiocyanate
Studies of electrolytic conductance in alcohol-water mixtures. I. Hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, and sodium acetate at 0, 25, and in ethanol-water mixtures
Studies of electrolytic conductance in alcohol-water mixtures. III. Sodium chloride in 1-propanol-water mixtures at 15, 25, and
Thermodynamic quantities in the exchange of zinc with sodium ions in variously cross-linked polystyrene sulfonate cation exchangers at
Adiabatic heating of hydrazine by flash photolysis. Nitrogen formation with integrity of the N-N bond
Comment on "Electron spin resonance of oxygen-16-oxygen-17, oxygen-17-oxygen-18, and oxygen-18-oxygen-16 by L. K. Keys"
Hybridization, conjugation, and bond lengths. An experimental test
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine-water solid-liquid system
Pyrrole: chemical thermodynamic properties
Substituent effects on the properties of stable aromatic free radicals. Oxidation-reduction potentials of triaryl-amine-triarylaminium ion systems
Barriers to internal rotation in thioamides. Experimental results and molecular orbital calculations
Solubilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in poly(methacrylic acid) aqueous solutions
Pressure and viscosity effects on the recombination of tert-butoxy radicals from di-tert-butyl peroxide
Kinetics and mechanism of fluorination of copper oxide. II. Reaction of fluorine with copper(I) oxide
The photochemical decomposition of nitronium perchlorate
The kinetics of reaction between oxygen atoms and sulfur dioxide: an investigation by electron spin resonance spectrometry
Methods for obtaining approximate solutions to the expanding-sphere boundaary value problem in direct current polarography
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of alkylenebisamides and alkylenebiscarbamates
The significant structure and properties of liquid hydrazine and liquid diborane
Electron affinities of polynuclear acceptors. Dinitro- and trinitrophenanthrenequinones
The Second Virial Coefficient of Polyelectrolytes
Estimation of the heats of formation of chlorofluorocarbons
Electron spin resonance of x-ray irradiated polycrystalline and single-crystal sodium hexafluoroantimonate
Studies of electrolytic conductance in alcohol-water mixtures. II. The ionization constant of acetic acid in ethanol-water mixtures at 0, 25, and
Ion-solvent interactions in aqueous lanthanide solutions
Tautomerism of N-(o-hydroxybenzylidene) anils in nonacidic solvents
Abstraction of halogen atoms by methyl radicals
Vapor phase charge-transfer complexes. I. Diethyl sulfide-iodine
Carbon-13 chemical shifts of the carbonyl group. V. Observation of a deuterium isotope effect using carbon-13 field-frequency lock
Thermochemistry of cyanocarbons. II. The heats of combustion of pyridinium dicyanomethylide, malononitrile, and fumaronitrile
The photochemical decomposition of hydrogen sulfide. The reactions of hydrogen atoms and HS radicals
Relative dissociation constants of hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydriodic, nitric, and perchloric acid in pyridine. A hydrogen electrode study
The formation of lead(II) chloride bromide (Pb-ClBr) in the vapor phase
Steric factor approach to translational-vibrational energy transfer
Thermodynamic aspects of the potassium hexacyano-ferrate(III)-(II) system. II. Reduction potential
Reaction of hydrogen with oxygen. The dissociative lifetime of HO2
Surface properties of perfluoro acids as affected by terminal branching and chlorine substitution
Radiolysis of liquid hexafluoroethane
Reply to "Comment on Electron Spin Resonance of oxygen-16-oxygen-17, oxygen-17-oxygen-18, and oxygen-18-oxygen-16 by Carrington, Levy, and Miller"
Infrared spectra of carbon monoxide adsorbed on palladium
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