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Fast reactions of polar molecules in processes with no activation energy
Behavior of F- interstitials during reduction of dysprosium ions in calcium fluoride
The role of surface boron as adsorption center for the sorption of water by porous glass
Adsorption and oxidation of hydrocarbons on noble metal electrodes. III. CH-type and O-type intermediates during the oxidative adsorption of propane on platinum
Capillary ripple investigations on monolayers at intermediate elasticities
Nitro-p-terphenyls. IV. Charge-transfer self-complexes
Adsorption at the solid-liquid interface. III. The thickness of the adsorbed layer for adsorption on rutile from alcohol + hydrocarbon solutions
Reply to the comment on "Theoretical calculations on ions and radicals. I. A restricted Hartree-Fock perturbation method for the calculation of spin densities"
Sedimentation equilibria in polydisperse nonideal solutions
Kinetic analysis of hot fluorine reactions in moderated methane-tetrafluoromethane systems
Corrections to a hard-sphere model of liquids
Thermodynamics of proton dissociation in dilute aqueous solution. IX. pK,, and values for proton ionization from o-, m-, and p-aminobenzoic acids and their methyl esters at
Homogeneous chemical equilibria in polarography. I. Theory
Physical properties and chemical reactivity of hydrocarbons and related compounds. XIII. An experimental and theoretical study of phenalenyl
The dissociation energy of bismuth chloride
Nuclear magnetic resonance study of rotational isomerism in meso-2,3-dibromobutane
Adsorption of polymers at the solution-solid interface. I. Polyethers on silica
Solvation studies. I. Some alkaline earth chlorates and bromates in high dielectric solvents
Holographic interferometry in electrochemical studies
Semiempirical treatment of properties of fluid mixtures
Infrared study of methanol adsorption on Aerosil. II. Physical adsorption at room temperature
Adsorption of polymers at the solution-solid interface. II. Polyethers on carbon
Comment on "Theoretical calculations on ions and radicals. I. A restricted Hartree-Fock perturbation method for the calculation of spin densities"
Rapid reaction rates in a uranyl ion hydrolysis equilibrium
A mathematical analysis of concurrent reactions. Quantative kinetics of a first-order-mixed second-order reaction system
Electron impact study of ions from several dienes
Gas-phase interdiffusion coefficients for some polar organic compounds
Electron affinities of aromatic hydrocarbons in the gas phase and in solution
Benzene photosensitization of cyclopentanone and cyclopentanone-2-t
Osmotic and activity coeffcients of trans-chloroisothiocyanatobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) salts
Carbon isotope effects in the decomposition of oxalic acid in glycerol solution
The structure of the iodine-triphenylamine charge-transfer complex
Bond length relations among the diatomic hydrides and their ions
Ionic association. III. Ultrasonic relaxation of Bu4NBr in acetone and in acetone-p-nitroaniline at
Adsorption of polymers at the solution-solid interface. III. Polyethers on nylon
An electron spin resonance investigation of the reactions of hydrogen and deuterium atoms in alkylstyrene polymers
Electrical conductivity of solid ammonium perchlorate
Molten sulfur chemistry. IV. Oxidation of liquid sulfur
Benzene photosensitized cis-trans isomerization of 2-butenes. Competitivve quenching study
A Method for Estimating the Arrhenius A Factors for Four- and Six-Center Unimolecular Reactions
Reactions of electrons and hydrogen atoms with oxygen and methyl bromide in .gamma.-irradiated water vapor
Adsorption of isopropyl alcohol on Graphon
Reactivity of coordinated ligands as studied by molecular orbital calculation. I. Radical polymerizability of zinc complexes of vinyl compounds
Charge-transfer model and infrared spectra of hydrogen-bonded complexes of .pi.-electron donors
Homogeneous chemical equilibria in polarography. II. Examples
Thermodynamics of ionization of aqueous anilinium ion
Temperature dependence of the intensity of the O-H stretching vibration of alcohols
Gas-phase molecular complexes. The furan-iodine charge-transfer complex
Heat of transport of the rare gases in a membrane
Inability of bromine to scavenge radicals in .gamma.-irradiated solid hydrocarbons
The mechanism for the isotopic exchange between deuterium and acidic solutions on palladium surfaces
Kinetic studies of permanganate oxidation reactions. II. Reaction with ferrocyanide ion
Determination of equilibrium constants by measurement of colligative properties
Heat of formation of krypton difluoride
A free-electron study of .pi.-molecular compounds
Pulse radiolysis of solutions of tertiary aromatic amines in benzene
Anomalous pH changes in solutions of inert gases possibly indicating their basicity
Equilibria in solutions of tetraalkylammonium bromides
Effect of similions on the coagulation of silver bromide sols in statu nascendi
Proton chemical shifts of the symmetrically disubstituted pyridines
Polarizability anisotropy from crystal refractive indices. I. Lorentz internal field approximation with application to amino acid data
Adsorption equilibrium at a mercury drop electrode
Primary processes in the photolysis of gaseous azomethane
Thermodynamics of acid-base equilibria. m-and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde
Substituent effects. VII. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance of substituted cyclopropanes
Kinetics of the base-catalyzed isomerization of butadiene and isoprene sulfones
Mass spectrometric investigation of the synthesis, stability, and energetics of the low-temperature oxygen fluorides. II. Ozone dilfuoride
Confirmation of the predicted Hartree-Fock limit in BeH2
Determination of barriers to internal rotation from low-temperature heat capacity data
Correction for double-layer charging during stripping of adsorbed layers
Electrochemical investigation of porous media. I. Theory of potentiostatic methods
Mass spectrometric studies at high temperatures. XVI. Sublimation pressures for titanium(III)fluoride and the stabilities of TiF2(g) and TiF(g)
Infrared study of methanol adsorption on Aerosil. I. Chemisorption at room temperature
Rate of recombination of nitrogen atoms
Effect of additives on the radiolysis of 1,2-dichloroethane
The location of hydroxyl groups in hydrogen Y zeolite
Reaction of nitric oxide with triphenylmethylperoxy radical
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