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| - Pulsed EPR Study of Spin-Coupled Radical Pairs in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: Measurement of the Distance Betweenandin Photosystem I and betweenandin Bacterial Reaction Centers
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| - The spin-polarized radical pairsin protonated and deuterated Zn-substituted reaction centersfromtwo different mutants of the photosynthetic bacteria Rhodobactersphaeroides andin plantphotosystem I from Synechococcus elongatus are investigatedby pulsed EPR spectroscopy. Spin-polarizedradical pairs give rise to a characteristic out-of-phase electron spinecho. This echo shows a deep envelopemodulation with a frequency governed by the spin−spin interaction.The known distance dependence of themagnetic dipolar interaction allows the determination of the distancebetween the cofactors carrying the unpairedelectron spins. For the bacterial reaction centers this distanceis known for the electronic ground state fromcrystal structures and is compared here with the distance of theradical pair spins, i.e. the charge-separatedstate. In photosystem I the location of the acceptorA1 is not known yet. A distance of 25.4 ± 0.3 Åbetweenandisobtained here and gives new structural information on photosystemI.
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