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Hard-sphere colloidal silica dispersions. The structure factor determined with SANS
Use of electron spin resonance spectroscopy to study the photochemistry of absorbed dibenzyl ketone on porous silica
Stability of adsorption complexes formed by alcohols on H-ZSM-5
Growth of adsorbed multilayers on fractal surfaces
Design and synthesis of novel fluorinated surfactants for hydrocarbon subphases
Quenching of excited (4-(1-pyrenyl)butyl)trimethylammonium bromide on synthetic hectorites containing lattice copper
Association of counterions with adsorbed potential-determining ions at a solid solution interface. 2. Double-layer equilibria at a metal oxide interface
Magnetic resonance studies of copper(II) adsorbed on the surface of the bacterium klebsiella pneumoniae
Origins of catalytic activity of cesium chloride supported on silica gels for the basic elimination reaction of 1-chloro-2-propanol
Adsorption of n-alkanes on carbon fibers at zero surface coverage
Adsorption of transfer ribonucleic acid on a stationary mercury electrode
Adsorption of neopentane by nonporous carbons and silicas
A simple method for the production of controlled electroplated designs on a metal surface
Spatial distribution of the phases in water-in-oil emulsions. Open and closed microcellular foams from cross-linked polystyrene
Dimerization of the methylviologen cation radical in anionic micellar and polyelectrolyte solutions
Monolayer and Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer surface and spectral studies of poly-3-BCMU
Fluorescence enhancement from Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers on silver island films
Hyperthermal scattering of atoms from disordered surfaces
Adsorption at solid/solution interfaces. 5. Surface complexation of iminodiacetic acid on hematite
In-plane structure of underpotentially deposited copper on gold(111) determined by surface EXAFS
Moessbauer spectroscopic studies of ferrisilicates
Binding of phenols to aluminum oxide surfaces. 1. Phenols with a single hydroxy group
Interaction of nickel with silicon oxide or silica formed on silicon(111) and carbon monoxide adsorption inhibition in nickel/silicon oxide/n-silicon(111) studied by XPS and AES
Effect of surfactant neutralization on hexadecane/water/1-pentanol/oleic acid/ethanolamine microemulsions - a SANS study
Photoadsorption of sulfur dioxide on synthetic goethites
Structures of self-assembled monolayer films of organosulfur compounds adsorbed on gold single crystals: electron diffraction studies
Absorption and fluorescence properties of Rhodamine B derivatives forming Langmuir-Blodgett films
Adsorption and oxidation of benzoic acid, benzoate, and cyanate at gold and platinum electrodes as probed by potential-difference infrared spectroscopy
Studies of L-DOPA and related compounds adsorbed from aqueous solutions at platinum(100) and platinum(111): electron energy-loss spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy, and electrochemistry
Study of the adsorption on clay particles by means of fluorescent probes
Phase behavior of monolayers of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-3-acyl-sn-glycerols
Photoelectrochemistry in particulate systems. 8. Photochemistry of colloidal selenium
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigations of zeolites
Adsorption and decomposition of aliphatic alcohols on titania
Association of counterions with adsorbed potential-determining ions at a solid/solution interface. 1. Theoretical analysis
Oxidation of carbon monoxide on palladium: role of the alumina support
Effect of thermal pretreatment on the surface reactivity of amorphous silica
Characterization of hydroquinone and related compounds adsorbed at Pt(111) from aqueous solutions: electron energy-loss spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy, LEED, and cyclic voltammetry
Mean aggregation number and water vapor pressure of AOT reverse micellar systems determined by controlled partial pressure-vapor pressure osmometry (CPP-VPO)
Line tension in three-phase equilibrium systems
pH dependence of UV-vis absorption and resonance Raman spectra of an aqueous solution of an azobenzene-containing ammonium amphiphile
Colloid vibration potential and the electrokinetic characterization of concentrated colloids
Determination of the critical micelle concentration of surfactants and the partition coefficient of an electrochemical probe by using cyclic voltammetry
Oxygenation of vanadyl(IV). Effect of coordinated surface hydroxyl groups and hydroxide ion
Electrophoretic fingerprinting and the biological activity of colloidal indicators
Reaction thermodynamics of hydrocarbons with nickel(100)
Surface chemical properties of zinc sulfide
General patterns of the phase behavior of mixtures of water, nonpolar solvents, amphiphiles, and electrolytes. 1
Characterization of vacuum-deposited perfluorocarboxylic acid monomolecular film by Penning ionization electron spectroscopy
Direct measurements of evaporation rates of single droplets at large Knudsen numbers
Ultrasonically induced enhancement of isotope-exchange catalysts: surface analysis of Raney nickel alloys
An excitable liquid membrane possibly mimicking the sensing mechanism of taste
Oxidation of alcohol monolayers by chromic acid
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