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An efficient method for the determination of interfacial tensions from drop profiles
Pyrene fluorescence as a probe of fluorocarbon micelles and their mixed micelles with hydrocarbon surfactants
Molecular assemblies of an amphipathic crown compound in aqueous potassium chloride solutions
Adsorption on hydroxyapatite: role of hydrogen bonding and interphase coupling
News and Announcements
A nonaqueous "microemulsion" system: formamide, sodium dodecyl sulfate, hexanol, and toluene
Quadrupoles on the triangular two-dimensional lattice: a simple model of nitrogen on graphite herringbone transition
Correlation between SERS of pyridine and electrochemical response of silver electrodes in halide-free alkaline solutions
Properties of the three-phase bodies in water-oil-nonionic amphiphile mixtures
Intermolecular effects of stereochemistry. Mixing thermodynamics in monolayers of diastereomeric surfactants
Precipitation-redissolution phenomena in sulfonate-aluminum chloride solutions
Removal of triglycerides from polymer surfaces in relation to surfactant packing. Ellipsometry studies
Pathways for carboxylic acid decomposition on titania
Dye sensitization of van der Waals surfaces of tin disulfide photoanodes
A quantum chemical study of the adsorption of carbon dioxide and hydroxyl on copper and zinc oxide surfaces and hydroxyl on platinum surfaces
Seeing micelles
Properties and structures of three- and four-component microemulsions
Light-initiated surface modification of oxide semiconductors with organic dyes
Study of photoreaction processes of PDA Langmuir films
Fluorescence studies of polymer adsorption . 1. Rearrangement and displacement of pyrene-terminated polyethylene glycol on colloidal silica particles
Soot oxidation in fibrous filters. 1. Deposit structure and reaction mechanisms
Crystallization of calcite on collagen type I
NMR relaxation in micelles formed by a long zwitterionic surfactant
A leak-proof device for compressional-expansional cycling of surface films
Adsorpton at the liquid surface studied by means of specular reflection of neutrons
Photohydrogenation of acetylene in titanium dioxide-based colloidal aqueous solutions
Surface roughness in vapor-phase aggregates via adsorption and scattering techniques
Stable J-aggregate formation of photoinduced merocyanine in bilayer membrane
Quantitative analysis and orientation of Langmuir-Blodgett films by photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Conformation and orientation of the haptens, 2,4-dinitrophenyl amino acids, on colloidal silver from surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Effect of oil type on liquid crystalline phase behavior in sodium n-dodecanoate-water-oil mixtures
Micellar growth and overlap in aqueous solutions of hexadecyloctyldimethylammonium bromide: a fluorescence quenching and small-angle neutron scattering study
In situ optical structure factor measurements of an aggregating soot aerosol
Enhancement of hydrogen bonding in vicinal water; heat capacity of water and deuterium oxide in silica pores
Investigation of the adsorption configuration of polyethylene oxide and its copolymers with polypropylene oxide on model polystyrene latex dispersions
Theory of microemulsions: comparison with experimental behavior
Laser-induced thermal decay of pyridine and chloride. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering as a probe of silver surface-active sites
Additive and nonadditive surface tension components and the interpretation of contact angles
Wetting of functionalized polyethylene film having ionizable organic acids and bases at the polymer-water interface: relations between functional group polarity, extent of ionization, and contact angle with water
Ultraviolet-visible absorption and resonance Raman spectra of azobenzene-containing amphiphile monolayers adsorbed at the acidic aqueous solution/carbon tetrachloride interface
Direct observation of the surfaces of small metal crystallites: rhodium supported on titania
Precipitation of calcium carbonate in aqueous solutions in the presence of oxalate anions
Raman spectroscopy of unsaturated hydrocarbons on supported rhodium and palladium
Soot oxidation in fibrous filters. 2. Effects of temperature, oxygen partial pressure and sodium additives
Bonding studies of chromium-nitrogen molecules
Characterization of energetic and structural heterogeneities of activated carbons
Reduction of single-crystal molybdenum trioxide: an electron spin resonance investigation after reaction with methanol
Moessbauer spectroscopic studies of iron(II)-Y, iron(II)-mordenite, and iron(II)-ZSM-5 zeolites
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