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À propos de : Rheological Properties of the L Phase and the Hexagonal,Lamellar, and Cubic Liquid Crystals of the CTAB/BenzylAlcohol/Water System        

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  • Rheological Properties of the L Phase and the Hexagonal,Lamellar, and Cubic Liquid Crystals of the CTAB/BenzylAlcohol/Water System
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  • The rheological properties of different phases of the CTAB/benzylalcohol/water system have been studied.The L phase, except the samples close to the hexagonal liquidcrystal, is a viscous fluid with a characteristicNewtonian behavior. On the contrary, the L phase samples close tothe hexagonal phase are pseudoplasticfluids built up of cylindrical micelles with elastic properties.The hexagonal liquid crystal behaves as ashear thinning fluid with a well-defined zero-shear-rate viscosity,while the lamellar liquid crystal doesnot show a zero-shear-rate viscosity and it presents yield stressvalues. Both liquid crystals have significantelastic properties although we could not find any linear region ofviscoelasticity in the lamellar phase. Thecubic liquid crystal is also an elastic phase with ringing gelproperties. The hexagonal and cubic liquidcrystals follow the Maxwell treatment only at low angular frequencies.Consequently, from the resultsthe relaxation time and the instantaneous elastic modulus have beenobtained. The relaxation timesrange in these phases from 2 to 9 s while the relaxation times of thecylindrical micelles are three decadessmaller.
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