| - In this paper, we report the hydrolysis of Co2+ ions absorbed in organized, multilayered polymer filmsto form cobalt hydroxide nanocrystals. Polymer films were prepared using the layer-by-layer depositiontechnique that consists of adsorbing polycations and polyanions alternately on a quartz substrate. Bymonitoring the UV−vis absorbance of the polymer films as a function of the number of absorption−hydrolysis cycles, it was shown that the crystals continued to grow with additional cycles. It is also foundin this study that using more polymer layer pairs results in more crystal growth. Hydrolysis of the Co2+ions in a nitrogen-rich environment gives rise to mainly needlelike crystallites of α-Co(OH)2 that areinitially about 100 nm in length and then increase in size with the number of absorption−hydrolysis cycles.However, in an oxygen-rich microenvironment, hexagonal crystallites were found to be predominant.X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopic studies revealed that these hexagonal crystallitesmainly consist of β-Co(OH)2 with a contribution of CoOOH. Our studies suggest that by varying thenitrogen-to-oxygen ratio the formation of α-Co(OH)2 and β-Co(OH)2 can be controlled.