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| - Aggregation Kinetics of Dendrimer-Stabilized CdSNanoclusters
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| - Precipitation of CdS in Starburst PAMAM dendrimer solutions offers a viable method of preparing CdSnanoclusters with long-term optical stability. Photoluminescence and UV−visible spectroscopy data showthat the dendrimer stabilizes the precipitated CdS as nanoclusters with characteristic optoelectronicproperties not seen in bulk CdS. However, photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) indicates power-lawgrowth of aggregates composed of dendrimer-stabilized nanoclusters. Temperature and reactant concentration are dominant variables controlling the aggregation kinetics. Power-law growth of the aggregate diameterand the intensity count rate suggest that the aggregation kinetics are diffusion-limited, at least at highertemperatures and reactant concentrations. The termination of the aggregation process and the stabilityof the final aggregates are confirmed by the absence of bulk CdS precipitate several months after synthesis.Photoluminescence and UV−visible spectroscopy link the optical properties of the aggregates to those ofthe CdS nanoclusters formed immediately after the initiation of the synthesis process. This substantiatesthat the CdS nanoclusters remain as distinct entities within the dendrimer aggregates, presumably stabilizedagainst further coalescence by the dendrimers.
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