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| - Molecular Aggregation State of n-OctadecyltrichlorosilaneMonolayers Prepared by the Langmuir and ChemisorptionMethods
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| - A comparative study in molecular arrangements of the n-octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) monolayerprepared by the Langmuir method and the chemisorption methods were carried out on the basis of grazingincidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) and X-ray reflectivity (XR) measurements. The OTS molecules in theLangmuir OTS monolayer uniformly tilt ca. 8−10° to the surface normal and packed in a hexagonal latticewith the (10) spacing of 0.412 nm. On the other hand, the OTS molecules in the chemisorbed OTS monolayertilt ca. 15−17° to the surface normal and also crystallite orient randomly in the two-dimensional plane.The average magnitude of the (10) spacing of the chemisorbed OTS monolayer was ca. 0.417 nm. Directevidence that the packing density of the Langmuir OTS monolayer was higher than that of the chemisorbedOTS monolayer was obtained by GIXD and XR measurements for the first time.
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