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| - The Phase Behavior of Multicomponent Self-AssembledMonolayers Directs the Nanoscale Texturing of Si(100) byWet Etching
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| - We demonstrate a novel soft-lithography-based methodology for generating nanoscale structures onSi(100) substrates via wet chemical etching. The feature generation apparently results from the phasedynamics of a multicomponent resist ink which phase separates on the Si surface. The monolayers formedfrom inks comprised of different mole fractions of docosyltrichlorosilane and octyltrichlorosilane contactprinting are annealed in air and then placed into KOH etching solutions to generate dense textures ofnanoscale features. We examine the resulting etch structures via atomic force microscopy and find thatthe different mole fractions of the model inks used here influence the nanoscale textures of the structuresobtained. The photoluminescence of the etched samples was examined, both for the samples obtained fromthe etching and following a subsequent treatment in a buffered HF solution.
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