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À propos de : Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Azide Ion inReverse Micelles        

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  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Azide Ion inReverse Micelles
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  • The antisymmetric stretching band of the ν3 vibration of azide ion was studied in nanosize water dropletsconfined in reverse micelles by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. In reverse micelles of nonionicnonylphenyl polyoxyethylene (NP) and cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), the ν3 stretchingfrequency of the azide ion is red-shifted compared to in bulk water, whereas in anionic reverse micellesof sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT), it is blue-shifted. The shifts at ω = 3 (ω = [H2O]/[surfactant])for NP, CTAB, and AOT reverse micelles are −14, −31, and +4 cm-1, respectively. In all cases, the shiftdecreases as ω is increased, indicating that the water interior approaches the properties of bulk water.This agrees with the changes observed in the IR spectra of water and the surfactant headgroup in NPreverse micelles as a function of ω. Comparison between reverse micelles formed with different surfactantsreveals that the ν3 azide band is sensitive to its local environment, which could be affected by interactionswith the surfactant headgroups, the solvating water properties, and the presence of counterions. In addition,the aggregation number of NP reverse micelles in cyclohexane was obtained via time-resolved fluorescencequenching. The radius of the water droplet in the interior of micelle was found to increase from 13 to 34Å for ω = 3 to 10.
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