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Nanostructured Ultrathin Films of Water-SolubleSexithiophene Bolaform Amphiphiles Prepared byLayer-by-Layer Self-Assembly
Confirmation of the Differentiating Effect of Small Cationsin the Shift of the Isoelectric Point of Oxides at High IonicStrengths
Distinct Aggregation and FluorescenceProperties of a Water-Soluble Oligothiophene(6TN) Bolaform Amphiphile
Impact of Some Organics on Structural and AdsorptiveCharacteristics of Fumed Silica in Different Media
Comparative Study of Ethanol and AcetaldehydeReactivities on Rhodium Electrodes in Acidic Media
Intraparticle Diffusion and Adsorption Isotherm forSorption in Silica Gel Studied by Single-MicroparticleInjection and Microabsorption Methods
Correction of Microrheological Measurements of SoftSamples with Atomic Force Microscopy for theHydrodynamic Drag on the Cantilever
Direct Measurement of Interactions between TetheredPoly(ethylene glycol) Chains and Adsorbed Mucin Layers
Apparent Equilibration Time Required for aSurfactant−Oil−Water System to Emulsify into theMorphology Imposed by the Formulation
Self-Assembly of Cationic Surfactants on a GraphiteSurface Studied by STM
Interaction of Phosphatidyl Choline Based LiposomesFunctionalized at the Interface with Adenine andBarbituric Acid Moieties
Patterned Thin Water Films on Mica
Synthesis of Large-Pore Silica with Cage-Like StructureUsing Sodium Silicate and Triblock Copolymer Template
Atomic Force Microscope Tip Nanoprinting of GoldNanoclusters
Sieving Effect of Neon and Helium at High Temperatureon Carbon Molecular Sieve Fibers
Comparative Surface Activities of Di- and TrisaccharideFatty Acid Esters
Buried Interface Modification Using Supercritical CarbonDioxide
Alkanethiolate Reorientation during MetalElectrodeposition
On What Time Scale Does Solvent Relaxation inPhospholipid Bilayers Happen?
Molecular Modeling of Interactions of Diphosphonic AcidBased Surfactants with Calcium Minerals
In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of (Bi)sulfate,Oxygen, and Iodine Adlayers Chemisorbed on aWell-Defined Ru(001) Electrode Prepared in aNon-Ultrahigh-Vacuum Environment
Preparation of Dendritic Multisulfides and Their Assemblyon Air/Water Interfaces and Gold Surfaces
Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration ofLipopolymers and Other Amphiphiles: Comparison ofSound Velocity and Fluorescent Measurements
Prefiltering Strategies for Metal Oxide Based Sensors: TheUse of Chemical Displacers to Selectively DislodgeAdsorbed Organophosphonates from Silica Surfaces
Removal of Cu(II) and Zn(II) Ions by Sorption onto BoneChar Using Batch Agitation
Molecular Packing and Textures of1-Stearylamine-rac-glycerol Monolayers
DNA Word Design Strategy for Creating Sets ofNon-interacting Oligonucleotides for DNA Microarrays
Intercalation of Polyfluorinated Surfactants into ClayMinerals and the Characterization of the HybridCompounds
Chemical Pulsed-Force Microscopy of SinglePolyethyleneimine Molecules in Aqueous Solution
Substrate-Induced Conformation of an Artificial Receptorwith Two Receptor Sites
Comment on Highly Doped Silicon Electrodes forthe Electrochemical Modification ofSelf-Assembled Siloxane-Anchored Monolayers:A Feasibility Study
Synthesis of MonodispersePoly(dimethylsiloxane) Micro- andMacroemulsions
DNA Attachment and Hybridization at the Silicon (100)Surface
Effect of the Nature of the Templating Surfactant on theSynthesis and Structure of Mesoporous V−Mg−O
Interfacial Tension between Isotropic and AnisotropicPhases of a Suspension of Rodlike Particles
Protein Adsorption on Model Surfaces with ControlledNanotopography and Chemistry
Photoionization of Tetraphenylporphyrin in MesoporousSiMCM-48, AlMCM-48, and TiMCM-48 Molecular Sieves
Preparation of Aluminum-Containing Mesoporous SilicaFilms
Versatile Decoration of Glass Surfaces To Probe IndividualProtein−Protein Interactions and Cellular Adhesion
Mechanism of Wetting and Absorption of Water Dropletson Sized Paper: Effects of Chemical and PhysicalHeterogeneity
Study of Salt Effects on the Micellization ofPEO−PPO−PEO Block Copolymer in Aqueous Solution byFTIR Spectroscopy
Structure of Physically Adsorbed Polymer LayersMeasured by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering UsingContrast Variation Methods
Mechanical Properties of a Langmuir−BlodgettFilm Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy
Lipase Activity on Lipid/Polymer Binary Monolayers: Lateral Diffusion-Controlled Enzyme Kinetics
Surface Activity of C17-oligo(propylene oxide-b-ethyleneoxide)s in the Absence and Presence of Sodium Oleate
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of(Octadecylamino)dihydroxysalicylaldehyde at Air/WaterInterface
Fibrinogen Adsorption on Hydrophilic and HydrophobicSurfaces: Geometrical and Energetic Aspects of InterfacialRelaxations
Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy Studies ofNanoscale Order in Thermally Annealed Films ofPoly(9,9-diakylfluorene)
Structure of a p-Xylene Adlayer Formed on a Rh(111)Surface in Vacuum Studied by STM and LEED
Anisotropic Chemical Reactivity of Gold Spheroids andNanorods
Formation Mechanism of Self-Assembled PolyanilineMicro/Nanotubes
Self-Assembly and Photovoltaic Property ofCovalent-Attached Multilayer Film Based on HighlySulfonated Polyaniline and Diazoresin
Reply to Comment on Highly Doped SiliconElectrodes for the Electrochemical Modification ofSelf-Assembled Siloxane-Anchored Monolayers: AFeasibility Study
Effect of Counterions on the Organized Structure ofCu2+-Coordinated Bilayer Membranes Formed byMonoalkyl Derivatives of Ethylenediamine
Ru3(CO)12 Adsorption and Decomposition on TiO2
Electrostatic Interactions between Polyelectrolytes and aTitania Precursor: Thin Film and Solution Studies
Chiral Glucose-Derived Surfactants: The Effect ofStereochemistry on Thermotropic and Lyotropic PhaseBehavior
Surface-Tension-Confined Microfluidics
Design, Synthesis, and Application ofAmphiphilic Ruthenium PolypyridylPhotosensitizers in Solar Cells Based onNanocrystalline TiO2 Films
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of MicrostructuralTransitions in a Surfactant-Based Gel Mesophase
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