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À propos de : Effects of Phase Behavior on the Drying of ColloidalSuspensions        

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  • Effects of Phase Behavior on the Drying of ColloidalSuspensions
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  • We study the effects of phase behavior on the evaporative drying of droplets of a suspension of hard-sphere colloidal particles and nonadsorbing polymer. The presence of the polymer induces a depletionattraction between the colloidal particles. As drying (evaporation of solvent) progresses, the concentrationsof both colloid and polymer increase, so that the droplet's average composition traces out a “drying line”across the composition diagram. We find that drying behavior can be broadly classified according to theinitial composition of the suspension, into three regions on a “drying behavior diagram”. We relate thesethree regions to the bulk phase diagram of the system and show how drying behavior and final residueproperties such as homogeneity can be understood by considering the orientation of the “drying line” withrespect to the equilibrium and nonequilibrium boundaries in the bulk phase diagram. Our findings haverelevance for predicting the sensitivity of droplet and film residue properties to initial suspension composition,in the case of technologically important systems such as detergents, coatings, ceramics, and paints, as wellas being an interesting example of the response of a model soft matter system continuously driven acrossits phase diagram toward a shifting “target” equilibrium.
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