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The Effect of Humidity on the Stability of anOctadecyltriethoxysilane Monolayer Self-Assembled onUntreated and Plasma-Treated Mica
Use of the Atomic Force Microscope To Determine theEffect of Substratum Surface Topography on BacterialAdhesion
Surface Structure and Orientation of PTFE FilmsDetermined by Experimental and FEFF8-CalculatedNEXAFS Spectra
Thermosensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylicacid) Hydrogels with Expanded Network Structures andImproved Oscillating Swelling−Deswelling Properties
Surface Instability and Pattern Formation in TwoInteracting Incompressible Elastic Films Bonded to RigidSubstrates
Vapor Sensors Based on Optical Interferometry fromOxidized Microporous Silicon Films
Defect-Tolerant and Directional Wet-Etch Systems forUsing Monolayers as Resists
Interaction of Poly(ethylenimine) with Perfluoro FattyAcid at the Air/Water Interface
In-Deep Determination of Microporosities of aSilica-Pillared Manganese Oxide by the MultistepAdsorption Mechanism and αs-Plot Methods
Composition of Sodium Glycocholate Micellar Solutions
Novel Approach to the Formation of SmoothGold Surfaces
Morphosynthesis of Vesicular MesostructuredCalcium Phosphate under Electron Irradiation
Sorption Studies of Divalent Metal Ions on ZnO
Interactions of Amino-Containing Peptides with SodiumSilicate and Colloidal Silica: A Biomimetic Approach ofSilicification
Molecular Diffusion of Oil/Water Emulsions inSurfactant-Free Conditions
Phase Behavior of an Aqueous Mixture of OctaethyleneGlycol Dodecyl Ether Revealed by DSC, FT-IR, and13C NMR Measurements
Temperature and pH Effects on the Coadsorption ofSodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Poly(ethylenimine)
Surface Relief Grating Induced Colloidal CrystalStructures
Effects of Branched Ligands on the Structure and Stabilityof Monolayers on Gold Nanoparticles
Layer-by-Layer Growth of Polymer/Nanoparticle FilmsContaining Monolayer-Protected Gold Clusters
Aggregation Mechanisms of Latex of Different ParticleSizes in a Controlled Shear Environment
Electrochemical Detection of Faraday Waves on theSurface of a Gas Bubble
Solubilization of Pyrene in CnE7 Micelles
An Alternative Method To Quantify Surface PlasmonResonance Measurements of Adsorption on Flat Surfaces
Aggregation Properties of a Novel Class ofCationic Gemini Surfactants Correlate withTheir Efficiency as Gene Transfection Agents
Disjoining Pressures and Ordering in Thin Liquid FilmsContaining Charged Diblock Copolymers Adsorbed at theInterfaces
Surface Shear Rheology of a Polymerizable LipopolymerMonolayer
A Novel Asymmetric Clamping Cell for MeasuringStreaming Potential of Flat Surfaces
Measurement of Equilibrium Binding of Cationic Micellesto a Polyanion by Membrane Filtration
Two-Dimensional Structure of Self-AssembledAlkyl-Substituted Polyphenylene Dendrimers on Graphite
Interfacial Tension of a Decomposed Biopolymer Mixture
Influence of Gold Substrate Topography on theVoltammetry of Cytochrome c Adsorbed on CarboxylicAcid Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers
A Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Surface Plasmon Resonance,and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of HgAdsorption on Gold Surfaces
Role of Channel Wall Conductance in the Determination ofζ-Potential from Electrokinetic Measurements
Polymer−Silica Hybrid Monolayers as Precursors forUltrathin Free-Standing Porous Membranes
Nitrogen Adsorption in Carbon Aerogels: A MolecularSimulation Study
Dynamics in Adsorbed Layers of Associative Polymers inthe Limit of Strong Backbone−Surface Attractions
AFM Evidence of Rayleigh Instability in Single PolymerChains
Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterizations ofDilithium Octacyanophthalocyanine Langmuir−BlodgettFilms
High-Density Adsorption of Cationic Porphyrins on ClayLayer Surfaces without Aggregation: The Size-MatchingEffect
Steady-State Fluorescence-Based Investigation of theInteraction between Protected Thiols and GoldNanoparticles
Adsorption of Spherical Molecules in Probing the SurfaceTopography. 1. Patchwise Heterogeneity Model
Adsorption of Guanine, Guanosine, and Adenine atElectrodes Studied by Differential Pulse Voltammetry andElectrochemical Impedance
Multilayer Adsorption with Multisite Occupancy: AnImproved Isotherm for Surface Characterization
Self-Assembly of Polyphenylene Dendrimers intoMicrometer Long Nanofibers: An Atomic Force MicroscopyStudy
Emission Spectra and Lifetimes of R6G Dye onSilica-Coated Titania Powder
Surface Characteristics of Titania/Carbon CompositeAerogels
Selective Cleavage of Nitro Groups inNitro-Substituted Aromatic Monolayers bySynchrotron Soft X-rays: Effect of MolecularStructure on Cleavage Rates
Temperature-Induced Transitions from Rodlike toGlobular Micellar Aggregates in AqueousCetyltrimethylammonium Bromide in the Presence of9-Anthrylalkanols
Surface Tension and Its Temperature Coefficient of MoltenSilicon at Different Oxygen Potentials
Assessment of Electrostatic Interactions in Dense ColloidalSuspensions with Multiply Scattered Light
Quantifying the Importance of Micellar Microstructureand Electrostatic Interactions on the Shear-InducedStructural Transition of Cylindrical Micelles
Propene Hydrogenation Catalyzed by γ-Al2O3-Supported Ir4Clusters: Inhibition by Dehydrogenated PropeneDerivatives on Ir4
Assembly of Gold Nanoclusters on Silicon Surfaces
Wetting in Asymmetric Quasi-2D Systems
Polypseudorotaxanes from Scratch
Measurement of the Interaction Forces betweenPoly(N-isopropylacrylamide−acrylic acid) Microgel andSilica Surfaces by Colloid Probe Microscopy
Kinetics of IrCl62- Ion Transfer across the Water/1,2-Dichloroethane Interface and the Effect of aPhospholipid Monolayer
Molecular Configuration of Adsorbed cis- andtrans-1,2-Ethylene Dicarboxylic Acids andInterparticle Forces in Colloidal Dispersions
Nanoscale Investigation of Mixed Arrays of Keggin-Typeand Wells−Dawson-Type Heteropolyacids (HPAs) byScanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Effect of Temperature on Surfactant-Driven WaterMovement in Wet “Unsaturated” Sand
Final Phase of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayerson Au(111)
Superspreading of Trisiloxane Surfactant Mixtures onHydrophobic Surfaces 2. Interaction and Spreading ofAqueous Trisiloxane Surfactant−N-Alkyl-PyrrolidinoneMixtures in Contact with Polyethylene
Salt-Induced Ordering in Lamellar Colloids
Influence of Polymer Flux and Chain Length onAdsorption of Poly(Ethylene Oxide) on PhysicallyHeterogeneous Surfaces
IR Spectroscopic Investigation of the Interaction ofQuinoline with Acidic Sites on Oxide Surfaces
Surface Area Evaluation of CoordinationPolymers Having Rectangular Micropores
Self-Assembled Monolayers of Eicosanethiol on Palladiumand Their Use in Microcontact Printing
Thermal Expansion of Surface-Frozen Monolayers ofSemifluorinated Alkanes
Interactions between Starburst Dendrimers and MixedDMPC/DMPA-Na Vesicles Studied by the Spin Label andthe Spin Probe Techniques, Supported by TransmissionElectron Microscopy
Effect of Ozone Treatment on Surface Properties ofActivated Carbon
Spatial Distribution of Cobalt Nanoclusters in BlockCopolymers
Optical Properties of Small Clusters of Silverand Gold Atoms
Acid−Base and Aggregation Processes of Acridine OrangeBase in n-Heptane/AOT/Water Reverse Micelles
Influence of Pulmonary Surfactant Protein B on ModelLung Surfactant Monolayers
Thermodynamics of Decanethiol Adsorption on Au(111): Extension to 0 °C
Long-Time Relaxation of Suspensions Flocculated byAssociating Polymers
Aggregation Rate Measurements by Zero-AngleTime-Resolved Multiangle Laser Light Scattering
CO2, H2O, and CO2/H2O Plasma Chemistry for PolyethyleneSurface Modification
Hydrolytic Degradation of Polyester Blend Monolayers atthe Air/Water Interface: Effects of a Slowly DegradingComponent
Structural Investigation of Ag−Pd ClustersSynthesized with the Radiolysis Method
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