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| - Hydrophobic-Interaction-Induced Alignment of Polymersat the Solid/Liquid Interface Studied by Infrared−VisibleSum Frequency Generation
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| - The effects of surface hydrophobicity and solvent on the orientation and ordering of amphiphilic neutralpolymers adsorbed at the solid/liquid interface have been studied by infrared−visible sum frequencygeneration (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy. SFG spectra have shown that poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) andpoly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) adsorb with their hydrophobic moieties preferentially oriented towardhydrophobic polystyrene surfaces. However, the hydrophobic moieties in PPG and PEG do not showanisotropic orientation when these polymers adsorb at the hydrophilic silica/water interface. Water is acritical factor for mediating the orientation and ordering of hydrophobic moieties in polymers adsorbedat hydrophobic interfaces. When methanol is substituted in place of water as the solvent, neither PPG norPEG displays structural ordering when adsorbed on polystyrene substrates. This work demonstrates thathydrophobic surfaces and water as the solvent are required to induce the anisotropic orientation of adsorbedamphiphilic neutral polymers at the solid/liquid interface.
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