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Copyright © 2004 American Chemical Society
Copyright © 2004 by the American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
by the American Chemical Society
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Mechanism of the Transition between Lamellar and GyroidPhases Formed by a Diblock Copolymer in AqueousSolution
Adhesion of Bacterial Exopolymers to α-FeOOH: Inner-Sphere Complexation of Phosphodiester Groups
Reactions of Ammonia on Stoichiometric and ReducedTiO2(001) Single Crystal Surfaces
Wettability Interpretation of Oxygen Plasma ModifiedPoly(methyl methacrylate)
Characterization of Single- and Double-Stranded DNA onGold Surfaces
Microscopic Visualization of Alamethicin Incorporationinto Model Membrane Monolayers
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Near-Edge X-rayAbsorption Fine Structure Study of Water Adsorption onPyridine-Terminated Thiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers
Synthesis, Surface Modification, and MultilayerConstruction of Mixed-Monolayer-Protected CdSNanoparticles
Headgroup and Hydrocarbon Tail Effects on the SurfaceTension of Sugar-Based Surfactant Solutions.
Microemulsion-Based Synthesis of CeO2 Powders withHigh Surface Area and High-Temperature Stabilities
Analysis of μ-Contact Printed Protein Patterns by SPRImaging with a LED Light Source
Conductometric, Surface Tension, and Kinetic Studies inMixed SDS−Tween 20 and SDS−SB3-12 Micellar Solutions
Loosely Packed Self-Assembled Monolayer ofN-Hexadecyl-3,6-di(p-mercaptophenylacetylene)carbazoleon Gold and Its Application in BiomimeticMembrane Research
A Comparative Study of Hydroxide Adsorption on the(111), (110), and (100) Faces of Silver with CyclicVoltammetry, Ex Situ Electron Diffraction, and In SituSecond Harmonic Generation
Comparison of Antibody−Antigen Interactions on CollagenMeasured by Conventional Immunological Techniques andAtomic Force Microscopy
Coulombic Interactions on the Deposition and RotationalMobility Distributions of Dyes in PolyelectrolyteMultilayer Thin Films
Halogen-Substituted Thiophenol Molecules on Cu(111)
Effects of Potential Models on the Adsorption of Ethaneand Ethylene on Graphitized Thermal Carbon Black. Studyof Two-Dimensional Critical Temperature and IsostericHeat versus Loading
Fabrication of Large-Area Ferromagnetic Arrays UsingEtched Nanosphere Lithography
AFM Study of the Behavior of Polystyrene and GlassParticles during the Electrodeposition of Copper
Influence of Silver Nanoparticles on the Phase Behavior ofSide-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers
Enhanced Rates of Electrolytic Styrene EpoxidationCatalyzed by Cross-Linked Myoglobin-Poly(l-lysine) Filmsin Bicontinuous Microemulsions
Phase Diagrams of Wyoming Na-Montmorillonite Clay.Influence of Particle Anisotropy
Solvent Effects on Supramolecular Gel-Phase Materials: Two-Component Dendritic Gel
Probing the Effects of Interfacial Chemistry on theKinetics of Phase Transitions in Amorphous andTetragonal Zirconia Nanocrystals
Composition-Controlled Synthesis of BimetallicGold−Silver Nanoparticles
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Titania Powderwith High Photoactivity for Gas-Phase Photo-oxidation ofBenzene from TiOCl2 Aqueous Solution at LowTemperatures
Hard Structured Particles: Suspension Synthesis,Characterization, and Compressibility
The Use of Surface Tension to Predict the Formation of 2DArrays of Latex Spheres Formed via theLangmuir−Blodgett-Like Technique
Giant Lipid Vesicles Impaled with Glass Microelectrodes: GigaOhm Seal by Membrane Spreading
Nanoparticle Dispersion on Reconstructed CarbonNanomeshes
Synthesis of Monodisperse High-Aspect-Ratio ColloidalSilicon and Silica Rods
Effect of Ionic Size on the Deposition of Charge-RegulatedParticles to a Charged Surface
Nanostructuring Effect of Plasma and Solvent Treatmenton Polystyrene
Electrochemical Redox Control of Ferrocene Using aSupramolecular Assembly of Ferrocene-Linked C60Derivative and Metallooctaethylporphyrin Array on aAu(111) Electrode
Shell-Cross-Linked Vesicles Synthesized from BlockCopolymers of Poly(d,l-lactide) and Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) as Thermoresponsive Nanocontainers
Microbial Adhesion to Poly(ethylene oxide) Brushes: Influence of Polymer Chain Length and Temperature
Protein Surface Patterning Using NanoscalePEG Hydrogels
Incorporation of Na+,K+-ATP-ase into the ThiolipidBiomimetic Assemblies via the Fusion of Proteoliposomes
Faceted Structures in Langmuir Monolayers of DiethyleneGlycol Mono-n-octadecyl Ether at the Air−Water Interface
Synthesis of NiGa Layered Double Hydroxides. ACombined EXAFS, SAXS, and TEM Study. 3. Synthesis atConstant pH
Viscoelastic Properties of Cationic Starch Adsorbed onQuartz Studied by QCM-D
FTIR Study of the Ethanol Electrooxidation on Pt(100)Modified by Osmium Nanodeposits
Growth Kinetics and Morphology of Self-AssembledMonolayers Formed by Contact Printing7-Octenyltrichlorosilane and Octadecyltrichlorosilane onSi(100) Wafers
Template-Free Chemical Route to UltrathinSingle-Crystalline Films of CuS and CuO Employing theLiquid−Liquid Interface
Surface Phase Diagrams: Evidence of MolecularArrangements at the Aqueous-Solution/Solid Interface
Engineering the Chemistry and Nanostructure of PorousSilicon Fabry-Pérot Films for Loading and Release of aSteroid
1H NMR and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Investigationof the Structure and Solubilization Behavior ofThree-Layer Nanoparticles
Adsorption, Desorption, and Conversion of Thiophene onH-ZSM5
On the Mechanism of Nanopore Filling of SAPO-5Molecular Sieve by Nitrogen Molecules
Laser Photophoretic Migration with PeriodicExpansion−Contraction Motion of Photo-AbsorbingMicroemulsion Droplets in Water
Novel CuS Nanofibers Using Organogel as a Template: Controlled by Binding Sites
Deviation from the Classical Colloid Filtration Theory inthe Presence of Repulsive DLVO Interactions
Extraction of Zirconium Nitrate by TBP in n-Octane: Influence of Cation Type on Third Phase FormationAccording to the “Sticky Spheres” Model
Preparation of Microcapsules Containing Two-Phase CoreMaterials
Nitrogen and Oxygen Mixture Adsorption on CarbonNanotube Bundles from Molecular Simulation
Effects of Silicone Acrylate on Morphology, Kinetics, andSurface Composition of Photopolymerized AcrylateMixtures
Dielectrophoretic Micropatterning with MicroparticleMonolayers Covalently Linked to Glass Surfaces
Patterned Supported Lipid Bilayers and Monolayers onPoly(dimethylsiloxane)
DNA Attachment Chemistry at the Flexible SiliconeElastomer Surface: Toward Disposable Microarrays
Effects of Overlapping GB Virus C/Hepatitis G VirusSynthetic Peptides on Biomembrane Models
Supported Cell Mimetic Monolayers and Their Interactionwith Blood
Effect of Reaction Media on the Growth andPhotoluminescence of Colloidal CdSe Nanocrystals
Theoretical Characterization of Triangular CdSNanocrystals: A Tight-Binding Approach
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