| - Bulk modification of polypyrrole (PPY) with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was carried out by theelectropolymerization of pyrrole in the presence of PVA in the reaction solution, with tetraethylammoniumperchlorate (TEAP) as the electrolyte. The surface morphology of the as-synthesized PPY−TEAP−PVAfilm was investigated using scanning electron microscopy, and the film was further characterized usingX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electrical conductivity, the water contact angle, and BET surface areameasurements. The PPY−TEAP−PVA composite is electrically conductive, hydrophilic, and microporouswith a high surface area. Its potential as a biomaterial was investigated with respect to its blood compatibilityand function as a substrate for biosensor fabrication and cell culture. The presence of PVA in the filmattenuates blood protein adsorption, and the porous nature of the PPY−TEAP−PVA film results in a10-fold increase in the amount of glucose oxidase covalently immobilized on the film over that on a nonporousPPY film. PC12 cell attachment and growth on the PPY−TEAP−PVA film was also shown to be enhancedcompared with that on tissue culture polystyrene. The attached cells proliferated and formed a monolayeron the film surface after 48 h of seeding.