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À propos de : Thermodynamics of the CMMS Approach and Carbon SurfaceChemistry in SO2 Adsorption        

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  • Thermodynamics of the CMMS Approach and Carbon SurfaceChemistry in SO2 Adsorption
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  • In this study, we develop the equation describing the enthalpy of adsorption corresponding to the cooperativemultimolecular sorption approach proposed by Malakhov and Volkov. For different shapes of adsorption isothermsplotted from this model (and analyzed by Rutherford and Coons), we generated the corresponding enthalpy of adsorptioncurves. We also discuss other enthalpy plot shapes predicted by the CMMS. The new relations are verified forsimultaneous description of SO2 adsorption data, and enthalpy of sorption, measured on graphitized carbon black andon activated carbon. Finally, we apply the CMMS model to description of adsorption data of SO2 measured on theseries of modified activated carbons. The porosity of adsorbents was characterized via description of low-temperatureN2 isotherms applying the method of Nguyen and Do. Oxygen content in carbons was measured applying the elementalanalysis. From the results of the correlations between the parameters of the CMMS and elemental analysis data, itis concluded that the interaction between SO2 molecules and carbon surface oxygen groups is crucial during adsorptionof this adsorbate. Our results explain and summarize up the conclusions concerning the effect of carbon surfacenitrogen functionalities on SO2 sorption mechanism presented by other authors. Finally, we conclude that the CMMSapproach can be successfully applied to the description of this process.
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