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Determination of Static Microstructure of Dilute and ConcentratedSuspensions of Anisotropic Particles by Ultra-Small-Angle X-rayScattering
Surfactant Vesicles for High-Efficiency Capture and Separation ofCharged Organic Solutes
Evaporation-Induced Patterns from Droplets Containing Motile andNonmotile Bacteria
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Exhibit Strong AntimicrobialActivity
Micellization of Lithium Perfluoroheptanoate and Its Aggregation onPoly(ethylene glycol) Oligomers in Water
Preparation and Characterization of Dense Films of Poly(amidoamine)Dendrimers on Indium Tin Oxide
Solution Properties of Perfluorinated Anionic Surfactants withDivalent Counterion of Separate Electric Charges
Correlation of Sorption Behavior of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon withCa2+ Locations in Zeolite A: A Grand Canonical Monte CarloSimulation Study
Novel Type of Self-Assembled Polyamide and PolyimideNanoengineered ShellsFabrication of Microcontainers with ShieldingProperties
Motion of Integrated CdS Nanoparticles by Phase Separation of BlockCopolymer Brushes
Detecting Cross Talk between Two Halves of a Phospholipid Bilayer
Enhanced Pearl-Chain Formation by Electrokinetic Interaction withthe Bottom Surface of Vessel
Gold Nanorods Grown on Microgels Leading to HexagonalNanostructures
Gold Nanoparticle-Based Monitoring of the Reduction of Oxidized toReduced Glutathione
Site-Specific Functionalization on Individual Colloids: Size Control,Stability, and Multilayers
In Situ ATR-FTIR Study of the Early Stages of Fly Ash GeopolymerGel Formation
Influence of TiCl4 Treatment on Surface Defect Photoluminescencein Pure and Mixed-Phase Nanocrystalline TiO2
Multiscale Imaging and Tip-Scratch Studies Reveal Insight into thePlasma Oxidation of Graphite
The Chemistry of Trimethylamine on Ru(001) and O/Ru(001)
Reverse-Phase LbLEncapsulation of Highly Water Soluble Materialsby Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Self-Assembly
Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles by Reaction of FilamentousCyanobacterial Biomass with a Palladium(II) Chloride Complex
Maghemite Nanocrystal Impregnation by Hydrophobic SurfaceModification of Mesoporous Silica
Controlled Construction of Uniform Pompon-ShapedMicroarchitectures Self-Assembled from Single-Crystalline LanthanumMolybdate Nanoflakes
In Situ Electrochemical STM Study of the Coarsening of PlatinumIslands at Double-Layer Potentials
NMR Studies of the Thermal Degradation of a Perfluoropolyether onthe Surfaces of γ-Alumina and Kaolinite
Synthesis and Characterization of Water-Soluble Silsesquioxane-BasedNanoparticles by Hydrolytic Condensation of Triethoxysilane Derivedfrom 2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate
Probing the Protein Orientation on Charged Self-AssembledMonolayers on Gold Nanohole Arrays by SERS
Solid-Supported Monolayers and Bilayers of Amphiphilicβ-Cyclodextrins
Fluorescence of Amphotericin B-Deoxycholate (Fungizone) Monomersand Aggregates and the Effect of Heat-Treatment
Hydrophobicity and Freezing of a Water Droplet onFluoroalkylsilane Coatings with Different Roughnesses
Direct Growth of Aligned Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on TreatedStainless Steel Substrates
Organized Monolayer of Thermosensitive Microgel Beads Preparedby Double-Template Polymerization
Dielectric Model and Theoretical Analysis of Cationic Reverse MicellarSolutions in CTAB/Isooctane/n-Hexanol/Water Systems
UV Photooxidation and Photopatterning of AlkanethiolateSelf-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on GaAs (001)
Surface Tension-Driven Self-Folding Polyhedra
Monodisperse Thermoresponsive Microgels of Poly(ethylene glycol)Analogue-Based Biopolymers
Direct Deposition and Assembly of Gold Colloidal Particles Using aNanofountain Probe
Multilayers of Oppositely Charged SiO2 Nanoparticles: Effect ofSurface Charge on Multilayer Assembly
Fabrication of Magnetic Core@Shell Fe Oxide@Au Nanoparticles forInterfacial Bioactivity and Bio-separation
Water-Soluble Anionic POSS-Core Dendrimer: Synthesis andCopper(II) Complexes in Aqueous Solution
Chemistry of Tantalum Clusters in Solution and on SiO2 Supports: Analogies and Contrasts
Evanescent Wave Excited Luminescence from Levitated Quantum DotModified Colloids
Combinatorial Generation and Replication-Directed Assembly ofComplex and Varied Geometries with Thin Films of DiblockCopolymers
Characterization of Bromide Ions in Charge-Stacked ZwitterionicMicellar Systems
Nanomagnetic Sponges for the Cleaning of Works of Art
Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies through Hydrogen-BondedSupramolecular Mediators
Photoluminescence Modification in 3D-Ordered Films of FluorescentMicrospheres
Superwetting of Structured Surfaces
pH-Responsive Aqueous Foams Stabilized by Ionizable LatexParticles
Direct Flow Visualization of Colloidal Gels in Microfluidic Channels
Competition between DPPC and SDS at the Air−Aqueous Interface
In Situ Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy of CarbonMonoxide Adsorbed on Pt(S)-[n(100)×(110)] Electrodes
Surface Modification of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide-CappedGold Nanorods to Make Molecular Probes
Ultralong Cadmium Hydroxide Nanowires: Synthesis,Characterization, and Transformation into CdO Nanostrands
Stabilizer-Induced Viscosity Alteration Biases Nanoparticle Sizingvia Dynamic Light Scattering
Optimum Tail Length of Fluorinated Double-Tail Anionic Surfactantfor Water/Supercritical CO2 Microemulsion Formation
“On the Fly” Continuous Generation of Alginate Fibers Using aMicrofluidic Device
Binary Colloidal Crystals with a Wide Range of Size Ratios viaTemplate-Assisted Electric-Field-Induced Assembly
Thermotropic and Hydration Studies of Membranes Formed fromGemini Pseudoglyceryl Lipids Possessing Polymethylene Spacers
Polymer Assembly Exploiting Three Independent Interactions
4-Mercaptophenylboronic Acid SAMs on Gold: Comparison withSAMs Derived from Thiophenol, 4-Mercaptophenol, and4-Mercaptobenzoic Acid
Novel Electrical Properties of Nanoscale Thin Films of aSemiconducting Polymer: Quantitative Current-Sensing AFM Analysis
Wettability of a Polytetrafluoroethylene Surface by an AqueousSolution of Two Nonionic Surfactant Mixtures
Convectively Assembled Nonspherical Mushroom Cap-Based ColloidalCrystals
Preparation of Multihollow Polymer Particles by Seeded EmulsionPolymerization Using Seed Particles with Incorporated NonionicEmulsifier
Microphase Separation in Two-Dimensional Athermal PolymerSolutions on a Triangular Lattice
Synthesis, Characterization, and Use of Asymmetric Pyrenyl-GeminiSurfactants as Emissive Components in DNA−Lipoplex Systems
Quantitative Lateral Force Microscopy Study of the Dolomite(104)−Water Interface
Supramolecular Complex of [60]Fullerene-Grafted Polyelectrolyte andSurfactant: Mechanism and Nanostructures
Phase Transition of Alkylsilane Monolayers Studied byTemperature-Dependent Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction
Monodispersed ZnSe Colloidal Microspheres: Preparation,Characterization, and Their 2D Arrays
Diffuse Layer Properties of Thiol-Modified Gold Electrodes Probed byDirect Force Measurements
Adsorption Processes of Gly and Glu Amino Acids on HydroxyapatiteSurfaces at the Atomic Level
Interaction of Lipoplexes with Anionic Lipids Resulting in DNARelease is a Two-Stage Process
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