| - A simple microwave irradiation method for the large-scale synthesis of submicrometer-sized TiO2 rods at normalatmospheric pressure and the boiling temperature of the solvent is demonstrated. It is emphasized that only 1−3 minof microwave irradiation is adequate to react tetra-isopropyl orthotitanate with ethylene glycol to produce rods oftitanium glycolate [TG] with diameters of ∼0.4 μm and lengths up to 5 μm. The as-formed TG rods, followed bycalcination under air for 2 h, fabricated anatase (500 °C) and rutile (900 °C) titania without changing their rod-shapedmorphology. The crystallinity, structure, morphology, and thermal analysis are carried out by several techniques. Amechanism based on microwave superheating phenomena is presented with the support of previous reports and severalcontrol experiments.