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| - Analysis of Structurally Complex Polymers by Time-LagFocusing Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption IonizationTime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
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| - The analytical utility of matrix-assisted laserdesorption ionization (MALDI) massspectrometry for the characterization of structurally complex polymersis demonstrated. The advantagesand limitations of the MALDI method are discussed through the analysisof several low molecular weightcopolymers. Oligomer resolution is achieved by using a MALDItime-of-flight mass spectrometer equippedwith pulsed ion extraction for time-lag focusing. Accurate massanalysis of the oligomers provides datasufficient for the confirmation of the repeat unit and end groupstructures for alternating copolymers. Itis shown that for alternating copolymerspoly[(o-cresyl glycidylether)-co-formaldehyde] and glycidyl end-capped poly[(bisphenol A)-co-epichlorohydrin], themolecular weight as well as detailed structural andcompositional information can be obtained from a single spectrum ofeach. It is found to be more difficultto obtain compositional information on block copolymers or randomcopolymers. Through the analysis ofpoly[(propylene glycol)-b-(ethyleneglycol)-b-(propylene glycol)]bis(2-aminopropylether) and Dow polyolA and polyol B, it is shown that prior knowledge of the end group andmonomer masses is required todetermine information on the monomer composition. Loss of unitmass resolution complicates the analysisfor monomer composition. The issue of obtaining the necessaryquantitative information for completecharacterization of the above polymer systems is alsoaddressed.
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