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Part 2. Crossover from Depletion Attraction to Adsorption: Polyethylene Glycol Induced Electrostatic Repulsion between LipidBilayers
Direct Evidence for Confinement ofJunctions to Lines in an 3 Miktoarm StarTerpolymer Microdomain Structure
Kinetic Study on the Capping Reaction of Living Polyisobutylene with1,1-Diphenylethylene. 1. Effect of Temperature and Comparison to theModel Compound 2-Chloro-2,4,4-trimethylpentane
Local Order in Monomodal and Bimodal Polymer Networks: MonteCarlo Simulations
Intramolecular Reaction Rates of Flexible Polymers. 1. SimulationResults and the Classical Theory
Hydroboration Polymerization of Dicyanoanthracene UsingMesitylborane
Modeling the Interactions between Polymers and Clay Surfaces throughSelf-Consistent Field Theory
Multifunctional Initiators ContainingOrthogonal Sites. One-Pot, One-Step BlockCopolymerization by Simultaneous FreeRadical and Either Cationic Ring-Opening orAnionic Ring-Opening Polymerization
Polyphosphazenes with Novel Architectures: Influence on PhysicalProperties and Behavior as Solid Polymer Electrolytes
Functional Group Accessibility inHydrogen-Bonded Polymer Blends. 3. StericShielding Effects
Microstructural Examination of Semi-Interpenetrating Networks ofPoly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) with Cellulose or Chitin Synthesized inLithium Chloride/N,N-Dimethylacetamide
Determination of the Equilibrium Melting Temperature of PolymerCrystals: Linear and Nonlinear Hoffman−Weeks Extrapolations
Poly(ethylene glycol) Star Polymer Hydrogels
Effect of the Length of Tethered Chains and the Interphase Structureon Adhesion between Glass and Polyethylene
Volume and Enthalpy Relaxation Rate in Glassy Materials
Rodlike Polyelectrolytes in the Presence of Monovalent Salt
Light Scattering in the Course of a Polymerization-Induced PhaseSeparation by a Nucleation-Growth Mechanism
Light Scattering Study of Semidilute Aqueous Systems of Chitosan andHydrophobically Modified Chitosans
Investigation of Brill Transition in Nylon 6and Nylon 6,6 by Infrared Spectroscopy
Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Dendritic Macromolecules. 1.Intermolecular Electron Transfer
Structural Side Effects in the Use of a Fluorescent Probe for MonitoringPolymer Mobility
Polymeric Salts: Static and Dynamic Debye−Hückel Theory
Effect of Stereoregularity on the Thermal Behavior of Poly(methacrylicacid)s. 2. Decomposition at Low Temperatures
Polypropylene Crystallization as a Physical Gelation Process
Density Profiles and Interaction between Irreversibly Adsorbed PolymerLayers
High-Barrier Poly(hydroxy amide ethers): Effect of Polymer Structureon Oxygen Transmission Rates. 3
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Butyl Acrylate PropagationRate Coefficients in Fluid CO2
Diffusion at Polymer/Polymer Interfaces Probed by Rheological Tools
Polyphosphazenes Functionalized with Sulfone or Sulfoxide Groups: Synthesis, Characterization, and Possible Polymer ElectrolyteApplications
Conformational and Packing Modeling of Optically Active Polyesters. 1.Planar Zigzag Structure of Isotactic Polylactone
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Poly(ethylene oxide)/LiI Melts. 1.Structural and Conformational Properties
Synthesis of Acrylate and Methacrylate Block Copolymers Using AtomTransfer Radical Polymerization
Wetting and Capillary Condensation in Symmetric Polymer Blends: AComparison between Monte Carlo Simulations and Self-Consistent FieldCalculations
Trifunctional Organolithium Initiator Based on1,3,5-Tris(1-Phenylethenyl)benzene. Synthesis of Functionalized,Three-Armed, Star-Branched Polystyrenes
Comparison of Inter- and IntramolecularCorrelations of Polystyrene in Poor and ϑSolvents via Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Swelling and Transport in Polyisoprene Networks Exposed toBenzene−Cyclohexane Mixtures: A Case Study in MulticomponentDiffusion
Ethylene Homopolymerization and Ethylene/1-Butene CopolymerizationCatalyzed by a [1,8-C10H6(NR)2]TiCl2−Cocatalyst System
Equilibrium Melting Temperature and Undercooling Dependence of theSpherulitic Growth Rate of Isotactic Polypropylene
Charge Density Effect of Polyelectrolyte Chains on the Nanostructuresof Polyelectrolyte−Surfactant Complexes
Copper Triflate as a Catalyst in Atom Transfer Radical Polymerizationof Styrene and Methyl Acrylate
Part 1. Direct Measurement of Depletion Attraction and Thin FilmViscosity between Lipid Bilayers in Aqueous Polyethylene GlycolSolutions
Crystallization Kinetics and Polymorphism in Aromatic Polyketones(PEKEKK) with Different Molecular Weight
Relationship between Mesogenic Side Chain Fraction in LiquidCrystalline Copolymer and Bistable Electro-Optical Switching for(Liquid Crystalline Copolymer/Liquid Crystals) Composite Systems
Adsorption and Desorption of Macromolecules on the Solid SurfacesStudied by On-Line SEC. 1. The Principle of Method
Lamellar Orientation of Diblock Copolymer Solutions under SteadyShear Flow
Rheological Images of Poly(vinyl chloride) Gels. 6. Effect of Temperature
Structural Studies of Halogen Acid Doped Polyaniline and the Role ofWater Hydration
A Mechanistic Study of the Hydrolytic Stability ofPoly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)
Solute Diffusion within Hydrogels. Mechanisms and Models
Phase Stability of Polyelectrolyte Solutions As Predicted from LatticeMean-Field Theory
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Thermotropic Polythiophene andPoly(p-phenylene) Derivatives
Microphase Separation in Poly(oxyethylene)−Poly(oxybutylene) DiblockCopolymers
Intramolecular Reaction Rates of Flexible Polymers. 2. Comparisonwith the Renormalization Group Theory
High-Resolution Variable-Temperature 19F MAS NMR Spectroscopy ofVinylidene Fluoride Based Fluoropolymers
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