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| - Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Dynamic Light Scattering from aPolyelectrolyte Solution: DNA
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| - Static and dynamic properties of a DNA fragment ofmolecular weight 316 800 (contourlength 1632 Å) in semidilute solutions are studied by small-angleneutron scattering (SANS) and static(SLS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). SANS experiments in asolution with DNA concentration Cp= 42 mg mL-1 were performed as functions ofadded salt concentration Cs and temperature.The resultingplot of scattering intensity I(q) versusscattering wavevector magnitude q shows the existence of abroadpeak whose position is independent of both Csand temperature. Additionally, an “upturn” in thesmallscattering vector length range (q< 0.01Å-1) is observed and istemperature-independent. The DLStime correlation function of the same sample shows the two relaxationmodes that have previously beenobserved in DNA and other polyelectrolyte solutions as well as anadditional “ultra” slow mode whosecorresponding size is much larger than various correlation lengths thatmay be deduced from SLSexperiments and the upturn in the SANS data for small qvalues.
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