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Thermotropic Liquid Crystals of Main-Chain Polyesters Having aMesogenic 4,4‘-Biphenyldicarboxylate Unit. 13. CharacteristicDeformation of Smectic Layer Structure Induced by Elongation ofUniaxially Oriented Fiber Composed of Smectic CA Glass
Two-State Models for Olefin Polymerization using MetalloceneCatalysts. 1. Application to Fluxional Metallocene Catalyst Systems
Synthesis of Poly(sodium styrenesulfonate-block-vinylnaphthalene) byNitroxide-Mediated Free Radical Polymerization
Crystal Structure and Banded Spherulite of Poly(trimethyleneterephthalate)
Thermoplastic Elastomer Monolayers Grafted to a FunctionalizedSilicon Surface
Enantioselectivity of Cs- and C2-Symmetric ansa-Metallocene Catalystsin the Styrene Insertion
Phase Diagrams of Salt-Free Polyelectrolyte Semidilute Solutions
Preparation of Functionalized Copolymers by Thermal Processes: Porphyrination and Fullerenation of a Commercial Polycarbonate
Conformations of Succinoglycan As Observed by Atomic ForceMicroscopy
Novel Styrene−Butadiene Copolymers by Ring-Opening MetathesisPolymerization
Scope of the Copper Halide/Bipyridyl System Associated withCalixarene-Based Multihalides for the Synthesis of Well-DefinedPolystyrene and Poly(meth)acrylate Stars
Synthesis and Properties of Alternating Acceptor−Donor π-ConjugatedCopolymers of Cyclodiborazane with Dithiafulvene
Characterization of Semidilute κ-Carrageenan Solutions
Using Rheological Data To Determine the Branching Level inMetallocene Polyethylenes
Role of Mixed Anionic−Nonionic Systems of Surfactants in theEmulsion Polymerization of Styrene: Effect on Particle Nucleation
Thermotropic and Lyotropic Behavior of a PEO−PPO−PEO BlockCopolymer
Association Behavior of Ampholitic Diblock Copolymers. Volume 32, Number 25, December 14, 1999, pp 8441−8446.
Styrylmethyl(trimethyl)ammonium Methacrylate PolyampholyteLatexes
Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers Based on Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) andPoly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate): Synthesis and MicellarCharacteristics
Atomistic and Flory−Stockmayer Analyses of Irradiated i-PP GelFractions and Comparison with Results from PE
Polyaddition of Bifunctional Vinyloxiranewith Carbon Nucleophiles viaπ-Allylpalladium Intermediate. Synthesis ofNew Polymers Bearing an Allyl AlcoholMoiety in the Main Chain
Processability of Hyperbranched Poly(ether ketone)s with DifferentDegrees of Branching from Viewpoints of Molecular Mobility andComparison with Their Linear Analogue
Kinetics and Mechanism of Cyclic Esters Polymerization Initiated withTin(II) Octoate. 3. Polymerization of l,l-Dilactide
Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation of Gelation with ExtensiveCyclization
New Polymer Chain Architecture: Synthesis and Characterization ofStar Polymers with Comb Polystyrene Branches
Stable Critical Gels of a Copolymer of Ethene and 1-Butene Achieved byPartial Melting and Recrystallization
A Study of the Influence of LiI on the Chain Conformations ofPoly(ethylene oxide) in the Melt by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering andMolecular Dynamics Simulations
Oxygen Barrier Coatings Based on Supramolecular Assembly ofMelamine
Poly(methyl methacrylates) with Ruthenium Tris(bipyridine) Cores viaNiBr2(PR3)2-Catalyzed Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP)
Synthesis of a New HyperbranchedPoly(silylenevinylene) with EthynylFunctionalization
A Monte Carlo Simulation on the Effects of Chain End Modification onFreely Standing Thin Films of Amorphous Polyethylene Melts
Annealing Effects of Dilute Polyaniline/NMP Solution
Miscibility Behavior of Polybenzimidazole/Sulfonated PolysulfoneBlends for Use in Fuel Cell Applications
Kinetic Conditions for Living and Controlled Free RadicalPolymerizations Mediated by Reversible Combination of TransientPropagating and Persistent Radicals: The Ideal Mechanism
Controlled Cationic Ring-OpeningPolymerization of Monothiocarbonate
Structure−Property Relationships in Light-Emitting Polymers: Optical,Electrochemical, and Thermal Studies
Organization of Well-Defined Amphiphilic Graft Copolymers at theAir−Water Interface
Swelling Behavior of Carboxymethylcellulose Hydrogels in Relation toCross-Linking, pH, and Charge Density
Monte Carlo Study of the Second Virial Coefficient and StatisticalExponent of Star Polymers with Large Numbers of Branches
Synthesis and Characterization of Regioregular Polymers ContainingSubstituted Thienylene/Bithienylene and Phenylene Repeating Units
Dipolar Intermolecular Interactions, Structural Development, andElectromechanical Properties in Ferroelectric Polymer Blends ofNylon-11 and Poly(vinylidene fluoride)
Study on Phase Transition and Crystallization Behavior of a MonotropicLiquid Crystalline Poly(ester−imide)
Solid State Deuteron NMR Studies of Polyamidoamine Dendrimer Salts.2. Relaxation and Molecular Motion
Effect of Molecular Structure on the Linear Viscoelastic Behavior ofPolyethylene
Shear Orientation of ViscoelasticPolymer−Clay Solutions Probed by FlowBirefringence and SANS
Polystyrene/Poly(n-butyl acrylate) Latex Blend Coalescence, ParticleSize Effect, and Surfactant Stratification: A Spectroscopic Study
Rheological Analysis of Surface Relaxation Process of MonodispersePolystyrene Films
Synthesis of Polybutadiene−Polylactide Diblock Copolymers UsingAluminum Alkoxide Macroinitiators. Kinetics and Mechanism
Competing Interactions amongSupramolecular Structures on Surfaces
Concentric Pattern Formation during PhaseSeparation Induced by a Cross-LinkingReaction
Nanostructure and Mechanical Measurement of Highly OrientedLamellae of Melt-Drawn HDPE by Scanning Probe Microscopy
Phosphorus-Containing Dendrimers with Ferrocenyl Units at the Core,within the Branches, and on the Periphery
Mechanistic Aspect of Reverse Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization ofn-Butyl Methacrylate in Aqueous Dispersed System
Diffusion of Macromolecules in Polymer Solutions and Gels: A LaserScanning Confocal Microscopy Study
Probing the Surface Chemistry of a Hydrated Segmented Polyurethaneand a Comparison with Its Dry Surface Chemical Structure
Excited-State Intramolecular ProtonTransfer via a Preexisting Hydrogen Bond inSemirigid Polyquinoline
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Study of High and Low Free VolumeGlassy Polymers: Effects of Free Volume Sizes on the Permeability andPermselectivity
Morphological and Rheological Responses to Shear Start-up and FlowReversal of Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers
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