| - Formation of intensity gratings was studied with two s-polarized (s+s) writing beams inpolymer liquid crystals (PLCs) containing a photochromic moiety (azobenzene) and a mesogenic unit(tolane, T-AB; cyanobiphenyl, CB-AB) by means of photoinduced change in alignment of PLCs.Remarkable differences were observed between these two PLCs. T-AB showed higher values of thediffraction efficiency (η) and a faster response than CB-AB. In photoinduced alignment behavior of thePLCs, T-AB exhibited a faster change in alignment than CB-AB with the value of η about 30% in theRaman−Nath regime and the maximum value for modulation of the refractive index (Δn‘) of about 0.08.It was revealed that η and Δn‘ are dependent on the structure of the mesogenic unit. In addition, weattempted the holographic image storage of three-dimensional (3-D) objects in the T-AB films. The 3-Dobject was reconstructed with high resolution (>5000 lines/mm).