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| - Self-Assembling Behavior in Decane Solution of Potential Wax CrystalNucleators Based on Poly(co-olefins)
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| - The control of the precipitation and gelation of long chain paraffins from oil remains anenduring technological challenge regarding the processing and recovery of refined fuels and waxy crudes.Wax crystal modifiers based on polyethylene−poly(ethylene−propylene) (PE−PEP) diblock copolymersfunction as efficient nucleators for wax crystals in middle distillate fuels. These diblock polymers self-assemble in oil to form expansive platelike aggregates consisting of a PE core cloaked behind theamorphous PEP brush layer. The PE core thus promotes nucleation of solubilized long chain alkanes.Additional candidate structures for wax crystal nucleators include linear and star copolyolefins wherethe composition variation signals the alteration between crystalline and amorphous segments. This studyfocuses upon the self-assembling behavior in solution of these materials. The characteristics of the singlechains and the aggregates formed at lower temperatures were determined via small-angle neutronscattering. Both plates and needlelike structures were found. The placement of the amorphous andcrystalline blocks in the arms of the star shaped polymers was found to influence the architecture of theself-assembled micelles. As a point of comparison a commercial copolymer of ethylene−vinyl acetate (EVA)was also investigated. The EVA material was found to be relatively “undisciplined” in comparison to thestructurally more uniform anionically prepared counterparts.
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