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| - Enhancement of Interfacial Adhesion between Polypropylene andNylon 6: Effect of Surface Functionalization by Low-Energy Ion-BeamIrradiation
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| - The effect of surface functionalization on the interfacial adhesion between two immisciblesemicrystalline polymers, polypropylene (PP) and a polyamide (nylon 6, Ny6)), was investigated. Thesurface of PP was functionalized by a low-energy ion-beam-assisted gas reaction. Surface functional groupscontaining carboxyl and carbonyl groups created remarkably different interactions at the interface.Fracture toughness was measured using an asymmetric double cantilever beam test (ADCB). Thecalculated fracture toughness was significantly increased for the functionalized PP case. The system withreactive oxygen gas added showed a higher fracture toughness than the case with only argon-ion-beamirradiation because of more reactions and/or interactions between the functionalized PP surface and Ny6.Analysis on the locus of failure by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS) revealed that the fracture toughness between PP and Ny6 was influenced not only bythe bonding temperature but also by the bonding time at constant bonding temperature. The fracturetoughness increased after some induction time of annealing; then, it reached a plateau value. The fracturetoughness increased with the bonding temperature, showed a maximum at 200 °C, and then decreasedat a higher temperature of 210 °C. This behavior is different from other reported results. The presentsystem is more or less like a chain tethered to a solid surface. The failure was caused by the weaker ofthe adhesive strength or the cohesive strength. The effect of bonding temperature is attributed to thecohesive failure in the PP phase. The adhesive strength increased with the bonding temperature whilethe cohesive strength decreased with the bonding temperature because of less entanglement of reactedchains with the other chains in the bulk. The dependence of the fracture toughness on the bonding timewas explained in terms of this fracture mechanism.
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