| - This paper reports on the characteristics and use of a new mode ofmeasurement: HighPerformance DSC (HPer DSC), which represents a major step forwardin high-speed calorimetry, ascompared to standard DSC. It facilitates the study of the kineticsand metastability of macromolecularsystems, especially the analysis of rate-dependent phenomena in realtime. Controlled and constant scanrates at hundreds of degrees per minute and combinations thereof bothin cooling and in heating arepossible. Heats of transition, heat capacities, temperature-dependentcrystallinities, etc. can be establishedat the extreme rates applied. Examples of the utilization of HPerDSC are given for polymers with respectto the effective hindrance of crystallization and cold crystallization,avoidance of recrystallization andthe rate dependency of vitrification and devitrification. Low, milligram-scalesample masses, even downto the microgram level, are utilized. The short measuring times alsoprovide the high throughput neededin combinatorial chemistry.