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Ultraviolet Absorption and Fluorescence Emission Spectroscopic Studiesof Macrocyclic and Linear Poly(9,9-dimethyl-2-vinylfluorene). Evidencefor Ground-State Chromophore Interactions
Morphology of Micelles Formed by Diblock Copolymer with aPolyelectrolyte Block
Base−Acid Equilibria in Polyelectrolyte Systems: From WeakPolyelectrolytes to Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes and MultilayeredPolyelectrolyte Shells
Conformational Polymorphism of Amphiphilic Polymers in a PoorSolvent
Synthesis and Properties of Chiral Chromophore-FunctionalizedPolybinaphthalenes for Nonlinear Optics: Influence of ChromophoreConcentration
Synthesis of Chain-End-Functionalized Poly(methyl methacrylate)s witha Definite Number of Benzyl Bromide Moieties and Their Application toStar-Branched Polymers
Syntheses, Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions, Tunable Chain Helicities,and Cooperative Supramolecular Associations and Dissociations ofPoly(Phenylacetylene)s Bearing l-Valine Pendants: Toward theDevelopment of Proteomimetic Polyenes
Selective Convergent Synthesis of AliphaticPolyurethane Dendrimers
Effect of Reaction Conditions on ApparentTiCl4 Reaction Order in QuasilivingIsobutylene Polymerization at High[Initiator]/[TiCl4] Ratios
Controlled/“Living” Radical Polymerizationof MMA Catalyzed by Cobaltocene
Evidence for Termination of IntermediateRadical Species in RAFT-MediatedPolymerization
Monte Carlo Simulations Investigating the Threading of CyclicPoly(ethylene oxide) by Linear Chains in the Melt
Derivation of the Distributions of Long Chain Branching, MolecularWeight, Seniority, and Priority for Polyolefins Made with TwoMetallocene Catalysts
Physical Gelation of Gelatin Studied with Rheo-Optics
Block Copolymer Adsorption from a Homopolymer Melt to SiliconOxide: Effects of Nonadsorbing Block Length and AnchoringBlock−Substrate Interaction
Physical Characterization of Sorbitol or Glycerol Containing AliphaticCopolyesters Synthesized by Lipase-Catalyzed Polymerization
Direct Synthesis of Cyclodextrin-Rotaxanated Poly(ethylene glycol)s andTheir Self-Diffusion Behavior in Dilute Solution
Complex Macromolecular Architectures Utilizing Metallocene Catalysts
Synthesis and Properties of Highly Efficient Electroluminescent GreenPhosphorescent Iridium Cored Dendrimers
Water-Soluble Conducting Poly(ethylene oxide)-GraftedPolydiphenylamine Synthesis through a “Graft Onto” Process
Photocleavage of Pyridyl-Based Aromatic Polyureas
Elastic Properties of Nonstoichiometric Reacted PDMS Networks
Synthesis and Characterization of a New Degradable Poly(ester amide)Derived from 6-Amino-1-hexanol and Glutaric Acid
Dynamic Light Scattering Studies on Network Formation of BridgedPolysilsesquioxanes Catalyzed by Polyoxometalates
Polyurethane Adhesive Nanocomposites as Gas Permeation Barrier
Polyelectrolyte Multilayers of Weak Polyacid and Cationic Copolymer: Competition of Hydrogen-Bonding and Electrostatic Interactions
Ethylene Homopolymerization and Copolymerization withFunctionalized 5-Norbornen-2-yl Monomers by a Novel Nickel CatalystSystem
Electrostatic Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Poly(amido amine)Dendrimer/Conducting Sulfonated Polyaniline: Structure andProperties of Multilayer Films
Effect of Molecular Weight on the Surface Morphology, MolecularReorientation, and Liquid Crystal Alignment Properties of RubbedPolystyrene Films
Synthesis and Aggregation Behavior of Pluronic F127/Poly(lactic acid)Block Copolymers in Aqueous Solutions
On the Relationship between the Characteristic Ratio of a Finite Chain,Cn, and the Asymptotic Limit, C∞
Adsorption of Hydrophobically End-Capped Poly(ethylene oxide) onPoly(tetrafluoroethylene) Latex Particles: Light Scattering Study
Reactive Tetrablock Copolymers Containing Glycidyl Methacrylate.Synthesis and Morphology Control in Epoxy−Amine Networks
Telechelic Associative Polymers: Interactions between StronglyStretched Planar Adsorbed Layers
Formation of Highly Ordered, UnusuallyBroad Polyethylene Lamellae in Contact withAtomically Flat Solid Surfaces
Terpolymers from Lactide and Bisphenol ADerivatives: Introducing RenewableResource Monomers into CommodityThermoplastics
Polyelectrolyte Self-Diffusion: Fluorescence Recovery afterPhotobleaching of Sodium Poly(styrenesulfonate) in N-Methylformamide
What Length Scales Control the Dynamics of Miscible Polymer Blends?
Elasticity of Semiflexible Polymers with and without Self-Interactions
Soluble High-Molecular-Mass Poly(ethylene oxide)s viaSelf-Organization
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Thermoplastic PolyesterContaining Blocks of Poly[(R)-3-hydroxyoctanoate] andPoly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate]
Pressure Effects on the Segmental Dynamics of Hydrogen-BondedPolymer Blends
Consequences of Molecular Bridging in Lamellae-Forming Triblock/Pentablock Copolymer Blends
Block Copolymers Suppressing Droplet Coalescence through StoppingFilm Rupture
Hydrogel Microspheres by Thermally Induced Coacervation ofPoly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-glycidyl methacrylate) AqueousSolutions
Masterfunctions Providing a Sound Theoretical Basis for the Extractionof Accurate kp Data from PLP−SEC Chain-Length DistributionsExhibiting Poissonian and Gaussian Broadening
Kinetics of Triple Helix Formation in Semidilute Gelatin Solutions
Application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption IonizationTime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry in Pulsed Laser Polymerization.Chain-Length-Dependent Propagation Rate Coefficients at HighMolecular Weight: An Artifact Caused by Band Broadening in SizeExclusion Chromatography?
New Ladder-Type Poly(p-phenylene)s Containing Fluorene UnitExhibiting High Efficient Electroluminescence
Photostimulated Phase Separation Encapsulation
Inverse Temperature Dependence of Chain Transfer Rate Constant fora Chromium Metalloradical in Polymerization of MMA
A “Holy Trinity” of Micellar Aggregates in Aqueous Solution at AmbientTemperature: Unprecedented Self-Assembly Behavior from a BinaryMixture of a Neutral−Cationic Diblock Copolymer and an AnionicPolyelectrolyte
Novel Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether): AProton Conductive Polymer ElectrolyteDesigned for Fuel Cells
Effect of Palmitic Acid on the ElectricalConductivity of Carbon Nanotubes−EpoxyResin Composites
Poly(polyrotaxane): Photoreactions of9-Anthracene-Capped Polyrotaxane
Role of Bound Water and Hydrophobic Interaction in Phase Transitionof Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Aqueous Solution
Synthesis ofPoly(propylene-ran-1,3-butadiene) and ItsMetathesis Degradation with Ethylene
Precise Control of Nanopore Size in ThinFilm Using Mixtures of Asymmetric BlockCopolymer and Homopolymer
Hybrid Threadlike Micelle Formationbetween a Surfactant and Polyelectrolyte
Comparison of Olefin PolymerizationBehavior of Catalysts Generated byMAO Activation of TiIII and TiIVTris(pyrazolyl)borate Complexes
Enantioselective Permeation throughMembranes of Chiral Helical PolymersPrepared by Depinanylsilylation ofPoly(diphenylacetylene) with a High Contentof the Pinanylsilyl Group
Polymerization of A2 with B3 Monomers: A Facile Approach toHyperbranched Poly(aryl ester)s
Synthesis, Characterization, and Aqueous Solution Behavior ofElectrolyte- and pH-Responsive Carboxybetaine-ContainingCyclocopolymers
Crystallization and Transient Mesophase Structure in Cold-Drawn PETFibers
Water Absorption Effect on the Dynamic Properties of Nylon-6 byDielectric Spectroscopy
“Chemical Photography” of Drug Release
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