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À propos de : Sugar-Coated Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Micelles from LivingRadical Polymerization: Recognition by Immobilized Lectins        

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  • Sugar-Coated Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Micelles from LivingRadical Polymerization: Recognition by Immobilized Lectins
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  • Block copolymers poly[((ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate)-b-(benzyl methacrylate)]containing protected sugar groups were synthesized by transition-metal-mediated living radical polymerization. Sugar-derived initiators were prepared by esterification of the hydroxyl group of isopropylidene-protected galactose and glucose with 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide. Both protected galactose and glucose-derived initiators were respectively used to initiate the hydrophilic monomer (PEGMA) and the hydrophobic monomer (BzMA) in both one-pot and two-step polymerizations. In both cases the polymerizationoccurred with good first-order kinetics, producing AB blocks with molecular weights close to that targetedand with low polydispersity (1.1−1.2). Following removal of the isopropylidene protective groups viaacidolysis with 50% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at ambient temperature, block copolymer micelles wereobtained by a dialysis solvent exchange process. The size and polydispersity of the polymer micelle wereestimated by dynamic light scattering, and the Z-averaged hydrodynamic diameters were found to bebetween 35 and 41 nm with a unimodal size distribution. Furthermore, the binding ability of a galactosebearing copolymer micelles was confirmed by recognition with an HPLC column packed with immobilizedRCA-1 lectin.
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