| - The three azirinyl complexes (R = CN, CHCH2, Ph) are obtained from deprotonationof isonitrile complexes. For R = Ph, three isomersincluding 1H- and 2H-azirinyl complexes are observedat low temperature. Insertion of CO groups of acetone,aldehyde, ester, and amide into the azirinyl ligandfollows regiospecificity opposite that in the photochemical-induced insertion of the organic azirine system.
- The three azirinyl complexes are obtained from deportonation of isonitrile complexes. For R = Ph, three isomers, including 1H- and 2H-azirinyl complexes, are observed at low temperature. Insertion of CO groups of acetone, aldehyde, ester, and amide into the azirinyl ligand follows regiospecificity opposite that in the photochemical-induced insertion in the organic azirine system.