Coordination Chemistry and Catalytic Activity ofRuthenium Complexes of TerdentatePhosphorus−Nitrogen−Phosphorus (PNP) and BidentatePhosphorus−Nitrogen (PNH) Ligands
Structures of trans-dichlororuthenium(II) complexes of aminodiphosphines RN(CH2CH2PPh2)2 (1a−d, PNP) and aminophosphines RN(H)CH2CH2PPh2 (2a−d, PNH) ligands areexamined. The comparative reactivity of these metal complexes in ruthenium-catalyzedtransfer hydrogenation reactions is subsequently evaluated.
The effect of the N-substituent on four crystal structures of dichlororuthenium(II) complexes of PNP animodiphosphines and PNH aminophosphines is noted. The comparative reactivity of these metal complexes in ruthenium-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation reactions is subsequently evaluated.