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Abstracts of the Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group Conference, 11-13 November 2011
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Abstracts of the Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group Conference, 11-13 November 2011
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HEEADSSS assessment for adolescents requiring anticoagulation therapy
Investigating neuroblastoma in childhood opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
Cow's milk allergy and rolandic epilepsy: a close relationship?
Children's access to medicines
What else is in our children's medicine?
Prescribing errors in paediatrics
Comparison of standard versus tailored parenteral nutrition in paediatric intensive care
Highlights from this issue
Night sweats in children: prevalence and associated factors
Review of tobramycin levels in paediatric cystic fibrosis patients at Birmingham Children's Hospital
Audit and re-audit of documentation of changes to medicines on discharge in paediatrics at St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Preaudit data collection on commencing warfarin therapy in paediatric congenital heart disease patients to aid guideline production
The ethics of migration and healthcare
Lucina - May 2012
The introduction of a prescribing test for new paediatric doctors
Multiple hepatic hydatid cysts
An audit of total parenteral nutrition prescribing for children
Development of a care pathway to improve the management of asthma or viral induced wheeze for children admitted to the paediatric unit at Wishaw General Hospital
Which medicines commonly require small dose volumes on paediatric intensive care units and which are of concern?
Global burden of group B streptococcal disease in young infants
Can an ‘automatic antimicrobials stop policy’ be safely introduced to ‘paediatric wards’ to prevent prolonged courses of treatment?
Audit and re-audit of the completion of drug chart allergy boxes at St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
A review of the assessment tools used to evaluate whether medicines are prescribed rationally or not
Epidemiology of medication discrepancies upon hospital admission in children - a systematic review
Malnutrition treatment to become a core competency
Paediatric sepsis-like illness and human parechovirus
An audit into the prescribing practices of warfarin in a paediatric setting
An audit of intravenous meropenem in inpatients at Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
Home INR monitoring for paediatric congenital heart disease patients - is it safe?
Antimicrobial stewardship in a tertiary paediatric hospital
Children's experiences of dialysis: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Assessing the calculation skills of child health nursing staff
To investigate how disruptive interruptions are on paediatric dispensary accuracy checkers
An audit of the accuracy of neonatal inpatient prescription charts
Infant botulism and botulism immune globulin in the UK: a case series of four infants
To National Patient Safety Agency or not to National Patient Safety Agency: an audit on the current trends in paediatric intravenous fluid prescribing for surgical patients
Male patients with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome: a longitudinal follow-up of growth, reproductive hormones and the development of gynaecomastia
Iatrogenic psychological harm
Audit of BMT antibiotic febrile neutropenia guidelines
Are prescribed doses of medicine for children measurable?
Electronic prescribing of continuous variable rate infusions
Acceptability and prescribing adherence to revised antiemetic guidelines in paediatric patients receiving chemotherapy
Twenty years experience of selective secondary ultrasound screening for congenital dislocation of the hip
A proposed new international convention supporting the rights of pregnant women and girls and their newborn infants
Vancomycin: evaluating dosing and therapeutic drug monitoring on the neonatal unit
Encephalopathy in children: an approach to assessment and management
A systematic review of the effectiveness of double checking in preventing medication errors
Implementation of new vancomycin dosing guidelines on the paediatric intensive care unit
The significance of dose omissions in the paediatric intensive care unit
What are the main research findings during the last 5 years that have changed my clinical practice in diabetes medicine?
Once daily insulin detemir in cystic fibrosis with insulin deficiency
Open spina bifida: birth findings predict long-term outcome
Specific antibody deficiency in children with chronic wet cough
Nebulisation of vancomycin injection - efficacy of the nebulisation process for pulmonary delivery
Medicines reconciliation in paediatric rheumatology patients
Management of gastroenteritis over 10 years: changing culture and maintaining the change
Medicines reconciliation at the point of hospital discharge for children
‘Sleep tight’ - a centralised system for melatonin prescribing
An audit of pharmacy interventions on paediatric outpatient and A and E prescriptions
Antibiotic use for febrile neutropaenia in children with cancer
Diagnosing coeliac disease
Hospitalisation for bronchiolitis in infants is more common after elective caesarean delivery
How good are BMI charts for monitoring children's attempts at obesity reduction?
Endoscopic fetal myelomeningocoel closure
‘Asthma’ cured after cardiac surgery
The role of cystovaginoscopy and hygienic advice in girls referred for symptoms of vulvovaginitis
Methadone toxicity in children
Ondansetron use for children under 2-year old on postsurgical nurse controlled analgesia
Cost benefit of hospital led supplies of unlicensed medicines for children at home
Multidisciplinary detective work prevent unnecessary and expensive lifelong treatment
Intermittent versus continuous infusion of vancomycin in neonates
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