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In praise of dissent
US seniors group attacks pharmaceutical industry “fronts”
Age discrimination difficult to identify, says King's Fund guide
Byomkes (“Sona”) Mitra
United Kingdom finally bans tobacco advertising
Prognostic indicators of early and late death in children admitted to district hospital in Kenya: cohort study
Courtesy towards NHS staff is a must
A History of Scottish Medicine
Plans for foundation trusts could spark pay spiral
Effect of public education aimed at early diagnosis of malignant melanoma: cohort comparison study
Ronald Black
Patients want their consent sought for use of personal information
New guidelines on the management of asthma
Not to be taken as directed
Arthur Swindale (“Stubbs”) Hughes
Large general practices may not deliver better care
Rate of misdiagnosis of childhood epilepsy “may not be unusual”
Medical Research Council and BMJ sponsor new photographic awards
Women fail to recognise risk of heart disease
Submitting articles to the BMJ
Novartis was not in breach of code for “inventing” disease
Structure of the NHS mirrors feudal society
Short and long term mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections: registry based study
Herd immunity from meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccination in England: database analysis
Unit of analysis errors should be clarified in meta-analyses
David Graham Sargant
Phyllis Mary Edwards
Safety and efficacy of interventional procedures
Lack of care homes blamed for delays in discharge of old people
Problems with UK government's risk sharing scheme for assessing drugs for multiple sclerosis
Open letter to Tony Blair: Call to prevent escalating violence
US given more time to consider cheap drugs deal for poor nations
Cross sectional survey of meningococcal C immunisation in children looked after by local authorities and those living at home
Sam Pullar Smith
Peter Lomax
Being a caring doctor may be bad for you
Fatal dysnatraemia caused by elective colonoscopy
Assortative mating may explain spouses' risk of same disease
Archibald Mckenzie McGregor
People die differently in different settings
Congestion charging and the walking classes
Wellcome Trust announces new award scheme
Association between practice size and quality of care of patients with ischaemic heart disease: cross sectional study
Lynne Jacob
Cot Death Mothers: The Witch Hunt
Threat of war is affecting mental health of Iraqi children, says report
The war against quackery in Germany
Dying from cancer in developed and developing countries: lessons from two qualitative interview studies of patients and their carers
Forthcoming BMJ theme issues (provisional dates and titles)
Bernard Joseph Peck
Ronald Crum MacLeod
HRT and antioxidant vitamins increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
Creationists accuse biology professor of discrimination
Canadian Medical Association tightens control over its journal
Drug misuse should always be considered in young people with impaired consciousness
Look before you flush
Heroin Century; Heroin Addiction Care and Control: The British System 1916-1984
Simple signs predict children's deaths in African hospitals
Sudden death in the shadows of epilepsy
Commission plans new controls on supply of genetic tests to the public
Initiative will fast-track vaccine for childhood diarrhoea in developing world
Effect of computerised evidence based guidelines
GPs can separate oncological wheat from chaff
Alexander Mavor Knox
Stomach bugs kill more than estimated
Consultants call for extra money to be spent on discretionary salary points
Leishmaniasis: new approaches to disease control
GMC suspends doctor for research fraud
Task force says US academic health centres need major changes
Report advocates moving NHS to insurance based system
Sociable medicine
Basil George Bagot Christie
India launches massive polio vaccine programme
Simple presentation of test accuracy may lead to inflated disease probabilities
Enterprising Women: The Garretts and their Circle
Life as a medical secretary—a new learning experience for the aspiring consultant
Indiscriminate investigations have adverse effects
Joan Gladys Harcourt Norris
In brief
Patients' consent preferences for research uses of information in electronic medical records: interview and survey data
Wholly, holy, holey
Traffic congestion
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