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Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors are associated with increased risk of suicide in older people
HFEA widens its criteria for preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Switzerland launches naked poster campaign to stop AIDS
A difficult diagnosis
Time for evidence based rewards?
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: prion protein genotype analysis of positive appendix tissue samples from a retrospective prevalence study
Computers and compassion
Patient's view
Vascular lessons
What social marketing can do for you
Sam Porter Millar
Clinical trials funded by profit making organisations tend to find positive results
Indian pressure group challenges company's right to patent AIDS drug
Michael Charles Connell
A second prion protein genotype may be susceptible to vCJD
Ethnicity and adverse drug reactions
WHO ultimatum on artemisinin monotherapy is showing results
Knives rather than swords
How social marketing works in health care
Self harm in Goth youth subculture: Conclusion relates only to small sample
Ethnicity can affect risk of adverse drug reactions
Not for wimps
Roche denies claims it sacked employee for “whistle blowing”
Be alert to underlying malignancy in follow up of pneumonia…
Underdosing of antiretrovirals in UK and Irish children with HIV as an example of problems in prescribing medicines to children, 1997-2005: cohort study
Pneumonia: … and to tuberculosis as differential diagnosis in community acquired pneumonia
Improved food intake in frail older people
CDC to call for routine AIDS testing for people aged 13-64
Charity warns of climate impact on poorer nations
Aid withdrawal is bringing health service in Gaza to brink of collapse
Pathology, pathogenesis, and pathophysiology
Putting social marketing into practice
Rectal quinine for malaria: Risk of hypoglycaemia may be higher by rectal route
PLoS launches open access journal for clinical trials
How should we rate research?: Counting number of publications may be best research performance measure
Watson Buchanan
Which patients with which needs are leading the patient-led NHS?
UK House of Lords rejects physician assisted suicide
In brief
To expunge politically sensitive topics from medical journals is “folly”
Tobacco company considered funding a film to promote smoking in eastern Europe
Systematic review and meta-analysis of ethnic differences in risks of adverse reactions to drugs used in cardiovascular medicine
Pneumonia: Macrolides or amoxicillin for community acquired pneumonia?
Graham Herbert Anderson
Ways of seeing
A new human genotype prone to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Tomsk—a glimpse of one Russian region's experience with HIV/AIDS
Pneumonia: Let's avoid confusion of secondary and primary care issues in pneumonia
How should we rate research?: Cost of research should be disclosed publicly
Self harm in Goth youth subculture: Study merely reinforces popular stereotypes
Anthony John (“Tony”) Whitaker
Souls in cages
Family-style mealtimes are good for nursing home residents
Gap in contraceptive use between rich and poor is growing in US
Poor checks for bedside blood transfusion put patients at risk
Effect of family style mealtimes on quality of life, physical performance, and body weight of nursing home residents: cluster randomised controlled trial
The Medical Detective: John Snow and the Mystery of Cholera
AIDS in Russia—glasnost arrives at last
Pneumonia: Are we putting the CURB score into practice?
Rectal quinine for malaria: Authors' reply
Stanley Andrew Thomson
Manufacturer admits increase in suicidal behaviour in patients taking paroxetine
Body consults to balance public health against private rights
Donagh Declan O'Brien
Decent health care for older people
Peripheral arterial disease: still on the periphery?
How should we rate research?: Pedigree: paternity and progeny
Can GPs compete with big business?
70 year old man with scrotal swelling, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and renal lesions: case outcome
Team perspective
New term may be needed for data categorisation
Hollywood fights bird flu
HIV positive children were underdosed with antiretrovirals
Prescribing for RITA
Interactivity and case learning
School based HIV education courses should be more successful
Electronic archive of 16 journals dating back 200 years is launched
Gabapentin may cause reversible visual field constriction
John (“Ian”) Gowan Gray
NHS must reimburse patients treated abroad because of delays at home
HIV prevention in Mexican schools: prospective randomised evaluation of intervention
Pulmonary tuberculosis: diagnosis and treatment
What's new in the other general journals
Screening newborn babies for hearing defects is effective, pilot finds
Reusable learning objects
Optimistic lies
Alternative Linked Data Documents:
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