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  • Organisations professionnelles et mobilisation en contexte coercitif : le cas jordanien
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  • Professional Organizations and Mobilization in Coercive Context : The Jordanian Case. The Jordanian regime’s enforcement of extensive supervision of political parties has transformed professional associations into an alternative - and nearly unique - site of politicization and mobilization. On the strength of their professional identity and the crucial economic role they play, the latter succeeded in freeing up a space for action and opposition vis-à-vis the regime. This space nevertheless remains very limited and is more a matter of publicly expressing political opinion than genuinely challenging the powers that be. Moreover, the very nature of these organizations - which are like orders, with membership obligatory for those who wish to exercise professions in which diplomas are required - tends to reduce the possibilities for social conflictualization. The activist careers studied here show that, while professional associations are the only place where it is possible to pursue political engagement after leaving the university, a social selection takes place that limits mobilization. While such associations do avoid corporatization and manipulation by the powers that be, they also lead to a limited and elitist form of activism. This is in keeping with a more general tendency in contemporary activism to assume an “expert” stance in favor of reforming agendas rather than launching frontal assaults with the support of a strong social movement. ■
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  • CRII_048_0183
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