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À propos de : Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas        

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  • XIII. The magnesium isoelectronic sequence
  • Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas
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  • We have calculated total and partial final-state level-resolved dielectronic recombination (DR) rate coefficients for the ground and metastable initial levels of 21 Mg-like ions between Al + and Xe 42+. This is the final part of the assembly of a level-resolved DR database necessary for modelling dynamic finite-density plasmas within the generalized collisional-radiative framework. Calculations have been performed in both LS- and intermediate coupling, allowing for $\Delta n$ = 0 and $\Delta n$ = 1 core-excitations from ground and metastable levels. Complementary partial and total radiative recombination RR coefficients have been calculated for the same ions viz. Al + through Zn 18+, as well as Kr 24+, Mo 30+, and Xe 42+. Fitting coefficients which describe the total RR and DR rate coefficients (separately) are also presented here. Results for a selection of ions from this sequence are discussed, and compared with existing theoretical and experimental results. A full set of results can be accessed from the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) database or from the Oak Ridge Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center ( The complexity of further M-shell sequences, both from the atomic and modelling perspectives, renders this juncture a natural conclusion for the assemblage of the partial database. Further M-shell work, has and will, focus more on total rate coefficients, rather than partials, at least in the medium term.
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  • aa8238-07
Date Copyrighted
  • © ESO, 2007
Rights Holder
  • ESO
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