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À propos de : Deep multiband surface photometry on a sample of 24 blue compact galaxies        

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  • II. A volume-limited sample of 21 emission line galaxies
  • Deep multiband surface photometry on a sample of 24 blue compact galaxies
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  • Aims. We present deep surface photometry of a volume-limited sample of 21 UM emission line galaxies in broadband optical UBVRI and near infrared (NIR) HKs filters. The sample comprises 19 blue compact galaxies (BCGs) and two spirals. Methods. We separated the burst and host populations for each galaxy and compared them to stellar evolutionary models with and without nebular emission contribution. We measured and analyzed the A180 asymmetry in all filters, the concentration index C, the scale length, and the central surface brightness of the host galaxy. Results. A shift in the average A180 asymmetry is detected from optical to NIR. This shift seems correlated with the morphological class of the BCGs. Using the color-asymmetry relation, we identify five BCGs in the sample as mergers, which is confirmed by their morphological class. Though clearly separated from normal galaxies in the concentration-asymmetry parameter space, we find that it is not possible to distinguish luminous starbursting BCGs from the merely star forming low luminosity BCGs.
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  • aa20485-12
Date Copyrighted
  • © ESO, 2013
Rights Holder
  • ESO
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