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Characterization of the in-flight properties of the Planck telescope
Hubble flow variations as a test for inhomogeneous cosmology
ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy
Formation of globular clusters with multiple stellar populations from massive gas clumps in high-z gas-rich dwarf galaxies
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets
Cosmological-scale coherent orientations of quasar optical polarization vectors in the Planck era
J-PLUS: On the identification of new cluster members in the double galaxy cluster A2589 and A2593 using PDFs
Dusty spirals triggered by shadows in transition discs
Investigation of the stellar content in the IRAS 05168+3634 star-forming region
Magnetic characterization and variability study of the magnetic SPB star o Lupi
Two-face(s): ionized and neutral gas winds in the local Universe
Comparison of the excess mass around CFHTLenS galaxy-pairs to predictions from a semi-analytic model using galaxy-galaxy-galaxy lensing
A distant OB association around RAFGL 5475
PHIBSS2: survey design and z = 0.5 - 0.8 results
Lack of high-mass pre-stellar cores in the starless MDCs of NGC 6334
Star-forming content of the giant molecular filaments in the Milky Way
J-PLUS: A wide-field multi-band study of the M 15 globular cluster
First detection of a virial shock with SZ data: implication for the mass accretion rate of Abell 2319
J-PLUS: Morphological star/galaxy classification by PDF analysis
Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue
J-PLUS: Measuring H α emission line fluxes in the nearby universe
Magnetic and rotational quenching of the Λ effect
Massive and low-mass protostars in massive “starless” cores
VISION - Vienna survey in Orion
Numerical models for the diffuse ionized gas in galaxies
Mapping deuterated methanol toward L1544
Four GRB supernovae at redshifts between 0.4 and 0.8
Photospheric plasma and magnetic field dynamics during the formation of solar AR 11190
Impact of the reduced speed of light approximation on ionization front velocities in cosmological simulations of the epoch of reionization
J-PLUS: Two-dimensional analysis of the stellar population in NGC 5473 and NGC 5485
Spatially resolved origin of millimeter-wave linear polarization in the nuclear region of 3C 84
The spatial evolution of young massive clusters
A multiwavelength study of filamentary cloud G341.244-00.265
Combined helioseismic inversions for 3D vector flows and sound-speed perturbations
The progenitors of type-Ia supernovae in semidetached binaries with red giant donors
J-PLUS: The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey
The EDIBLES survey
Search for stellar spots in field blue horizontal-branch stars
Global millimeter VLBI array survey of ultracompact extragalactic radio sources at 86 GHz
Cycle period, differential rotation, and meridional flow for early M dwarf stars
IRAM and Gaia views of multi-episodic star formation in IC 1396A
Gaia Data Release 2
Estimating stellar ages and metallicities from parallaxes and broadband photometry: successes and shortcomings
Non-thermal emission resulting from a supernova explosion inside an extragalactic jet
Long-term orbital and rotational motions of Ceres and Vesta
J-PLUS: Identification of low-metallicity stars with artificial neural networks using SPHINX
Gaia Data Release 2
The potential of many-line inversions of photospheric spectropolarimetric data in the visible and near UV
Observability of hydrogen-rich exospheres in Earth-like exoplanets
The ALHAMBRA survey: tight dependence of the optical mass-to-light ratio on galaxy colour up to z = 1.5
Self-consistent population spectral synthesis with FADO
Global properties of the light curves of magnetic, chemically peculiar stars as a testbed for the existence of dipole-like symmetry in surface structures
Exploring the stellar properties of M dwarfs with high-resolution spectroscopy from the optical to the near-infrared (Corrigendum)
Investigating the presence of two belts in the HD 15115 system
Magnetic fields of intermediate-mass T Tauri stars
J-PLUS: Analysis of the intracluster light in the Coma cluster
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Spectroscopic membership for the populous 300 Myr-old open cluster NGC 3532
The Orion Region: Evidence of enhanced cosmic-ray density in a stellar wind forward shock interaction with a high density shell
Molecular ion abundances in the diffuse ISM: CF +, HCO +, HOC +, and C 3H +
Identification of AGN in the XMM-Newton X-ray survey of the SMC
ARCiS framework for exoplanet atmospheres
Discovery and follow-up of the unusual nuclear transient OGLE17aaj
Observation of aerodynamic instability in the flow of a particle stream in a dilute gas
Water delivery in the inner solar nebula
The AMBRE Project: [Y/Mg] stellar dating calibration with Gaia
Optical spectroscopic and polarization properties of 2011 outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis
Systematic differences in the spectroscopic analysis of red giants
Chemical composition of planet building blocks as predicted by stellar population synthesis
Cancelation of small-scale magnetic features
Modeling ionized gas in low-metallicity environments: the Local Group dwarf galaxy IC 10
The potential of combining MATISSE and ALMA observations: constraining the structure of the innermost region in protoplanetary discs
Interplay between pulsation, mass loss, and third dredge-up: More about Miras with and without technetium
Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems
Cosmic-ray propagation in the bi-stable interstellar medium
No unique solution to the seismological problem of standing kink magnetohydrodynamic waves
The origin of radio emission in broad absorption line quasars: Results from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Experimental study of the penetration of oxygen and deuterium atoms into porous water ice
The intergalactic magnetic field probed by a giant radio galaxy
Nonaxisymmetric models of galaxy velocity maps
An optical transmission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-33 b
Principle of Fredholm image reconstruction in the vignetting zone of an externally occulted solar coronagraph
High-velocity equatorial mass ejections and some other spectroscopic phenomena of the symbiotic star CH Cygni in an active stage
The spectacular cluster chain Abell 781 as observed with LOFAR, GMRT, and XMM-Newton
A low-frequency view of mixed-morphology supernova remnant VRO 42.05.01, and its neighbourhood
Systematic effects in LOFAR data: A unified calibration strategy
A LOFAR study of non-merging massive galaxy clusters
The LoTSS view of radio AGN in the local Universe
Evolutionary phases of merging clusters as seen by LOFAR
LoTSS/HETDEX: Optical quasars
Radio-loud AGN in the first LoTSS data release
Measuring precise radial velocities and cross-correlation function line-profile variations using a Skew Normal density
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