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À propos de : Evolution of photospheric flows under an erupting filament in the quiet-Sun region        

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  • Evolution of photospheric flows under an erupting filament in the quiet-Sun region
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  • Context. We studied the dynamics of the solar atmosphere in the region of a large quiet-Sun filament, which erupted on 21 October 2010. The filament eruption started at its northern end and disappeared from the H α line-core filtergrams line within a few hours. The very fast motions of the northern leg were recorded in ultraviolet light by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) imager. Aims. We aim to study a wide range of available datasets describing the dynamics of the solar atmosphere for five days around the filament eruption. This interval covers three days of the filament evolution, one day before the filament growth and one day after the eruption. We search for possible triggers that lead to the eruption of the filament. Methods. The surface velocity field in the region of the filament were measured by means of time-distance helioseismology and coherent structure tracking. The apparent velocities in the higher atmosphere were estimated by tracking the features in the 30.4 nm AIA observations. To capture the evolution of the magnetic field, we extrapolated the photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms and also computed the decay index of the magnetic field. Results. We found that photospheric velocity fields showed some peculiarities. Before the filament activation, we observed a temporal increase of the converging flows towards the filament’s spine. In addition, the mean squared velocity increased temporarily before the activation and peaked just before it, followed by a steep decrease. We further see an increase in the average shear of the zonal flow component in the filament’s region, followed by a steep decrease. The photospheric line-of-sight magnetic field shows a persistent increase of induction eastward from the filament spine. The decay index of the magnetic field at heights around 10 Mm shows a value larger than critical one at the connecting point of the northern filament end. The value of the decay index increases monotonically there until the filament activation. Then, it decreased sharply.
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  • aa37525-20
Date Copyrighted
  • © ESO 2020
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  • ESO
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