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Limb darkening and planetary transits
Destruction of dimethyl ether and methyl formate by collisions with He +(Corrigendum)
Solitons in the dark: First approach to non-linear structure formation with fuzzy dark matter
The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: The reversal of the star-formation rate − density relation at 2 < z< 5
The intermediate neutron capture process
Filamentary baryons and where to find them
Sulphur-rich cold gas around the hot core precursor G328.2551-0.5321
The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample
Observational constraints on gas disc sizes in the protoplanetary discs of multiple systems in the Taurus region
Tidally driven tectonic activity as a parameter in exoplanet habitability
Discrete Element Modeling of Aeolian-like Morphologies on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Deep fields
Polynomial expansion of the star formation history in galaxies
Ambipolar diffusion: Self-similar solutions and MHD code testing
Stellar labels for hot stars from low-resolution spectra
Using birefringent elements and imaging Michelsons for the calibration of high-precision planet-finding spectrographs
The Fornax Deep Survey with the VST
Common patterns in pulse profiles of high-mass X-ray binaries
High-resolution transmission spectroscopy study of ultra-hot Jupiters HAT-P-57b, KELT-17b, KELT-21b, KELT-7b, MASCARA-1b, and WASP-189b
Astrophysical parameters from Gaia DR2, 2MASS, and AllWISE
Detection of period-spacing patterns due to the gravity modes of rotating dwarfs in the TESS southern continuous viewing zone
The CH 4 abundance in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere
Euclid preparation
ICARUS, a new inner heliospheric model with a flexible grid
Active region chromospheric magnetic fields
Theoretical analysis of surface brightness-colour relations for late-type stars using MARCS model atmospheres
Early planet formation in embedded protostellar disks
The EDIBLES survey
A CO isotopologue Line Atlas within the Whirlpool galaxy Survey (CLAWS)
Molecular gas properties of Planck-selected protocluster candidates at z ≃ 1.3-3
An extended scattered light disk around AT Pyx
The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field
Computation of the lateral shift due to atmospheric refraction
The Cen A galaxy group: Dynamical mass and missing baryons
Search for exoplanets around northern circumpolar stars
NuSTAR spectral analysis of three Seyfert galaxies: NGC 3227, NGC 5548, and MR 2251−178
Evidence for thermokarst depressions on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: An interplanetary comparison
Euclid preparation
The iron and oxygen content of LMC Classical Cepheids and its implications for the extragalactic distance scale and Hubble constant
Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination
The gravitational field of X-COP galaxy clusters
The dark matter halo masses of elliptical galaxies as a function of observationally robust quantities
Modelling X-shaped radio galaxies: Dynamical and emission signatures from the Back-flow model
Categorization model of moving small-scale intensity enhancements in solar active regions
Systematic errors on optical-SED stellar-mass estimates for galaxies across cosmic time and their impact on cosmology
Hidden power of near-infrared data for the study of young clusters: Illustrative case of RCW 38
The magnetic topology of the inverse Evershed flow
Ca II triplet spectroscopy of Small Magellanic Cloud red giants
Astrochemical modelling of infrared dark clouds
Lens parameters for Gaia18cbf - a long gravitational microlensing event in the Galactic plane
The properties of the X-ray corona in the distant ( z = 3.91) quasar APM 08279+5255
Feasibility of detecting and characterizing embedded low-mass giant planets in gaps in the VIS/NIR wavelength range
Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: The PUMA project
Magrathea-Pathfinder: a 3D adaptive-mesh code for geodesic ray tracing in N-body simulations
Characterization of low surface brightness structures in annotated deep images
A proper motion catalogue for the Milky Way’s nuclear stellar disc
Partial-envelope stripping and nuclear-timescale mass transfer from evolved supergiants at low metallicity
Photometric redshift estimation with convolutional neural networks and galaxy images: Case study of resolving biases in data-driven methods
Importance of source structure on complex organics emission
Exoplanet atmospheres at high resolution through a modest-size telescope
Influence of coronal hole morphology on the solar wind speed at Earth
XMM-Newton and TESS observations of the highly variable polar V496 UMa
The MURALES survey
Lopsided galactic disks in IllustrisTNG
Magnetic helicity and energy of emerging solar active regions and their erruptivity
Do radio active galactic nuclei reflect X-ray binary spectral states?
Molecular gas in z ∼ 6 quasar host galaxies
TOI-1268b: The youngest hot Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet
Moving structures in ultraviolet bright points: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI
Euclid preparation
The near-core rotation of HD 112429
High D/H ratios in water and alkanes in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured with Rosetta/ROSINA DFMS
Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS)
Degree-scale galactic radio emission at 122 MHz around the North Celestial Pole with LOFAR-AARTFAAC
Tomography-based observational measurements of the halo mass function via the submillimeter magnification bias
Evidence of a complex structure within the 2013 August 19 coronal mass ejection
Convolutional neural networks as an alternative to Bayesian retrievals for interpreting exoplanet transmission spectra
Ram pressure stripping in the z ∼ 0.5 galaxy cluster MS 0451.6-0305
CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of diffuse interstellar band profiles
Microlensing and the type Ia supernova iPTF16geu
GRB 190919B: Rapid optical rise explained as a flaring activity
Partially accreted crusts of neutron stars
Convolutional neural network-reconstructed velocity for kinetic SZ detection
Variable mass accretion and failed wind explain changing-look phenomena in NGC 1365
Gas-phase reaction of fullerene monocations with 2,3-benzofluorene indicates the importance of charge exchanges
Pandora: A fast open-source exomoon transit detection algorithm
Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range: Linear modes of the convection zone
Testing particle acceleration models for BL Lac jets with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
First detection of metric emission from a solar surge
Effects of spatial resolution on inferences of atmospheric quantities from simulations
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