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Infrared and Submillimeter Space Astronomy: An International Colloquium to Honor the Memory of Guy Serra
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Infrared and Submillimeter Space Astronomy: An International Colloquium to Honor the Memory of Guy Serra
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Evolution of interstellar dust properties from diffuse medium to a dense cloud
Structure of Molecular Clouds
The ISOGAL Point Source Catalogue
ELISA, a Small Experiment For a Large Sub-millimeter Survey
Case for a Ground-Based Preparatory Program for HIFI Calibration Sources
A piece of interstellar medium in the laboratory: the PIRENEA experiment
Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Diffuse Interstellar Medium - Large Silicon Abundance and Effects of UV Radiation
The MSX Galactic Plane Survey Submillimeter Results
SCUBA-Diving In Nearby Molecular Clouds: Large-Area Mapping of Star-Forming Regions at Sub-millimeter Wavelengths
A Large-scale Unbiased Survey for Outflows in Molecular Clouds with Embedded IRAS Sources
Statistical Studies on Galaxy Evolution from IR Observations
Herschel: Science Objectives and Current Status
Submillimeter Space Telescope Project "Submillimetron"
Direct Detection Spectroscopy in the 350 μm Window: SPIFI on the JCMT
Far-infrared dust opacity and visible extinction
Photophysics of interstellar PAHS + in the PIRENEA experiment
The Most Luminous Protostars in Molecular Clouds: A Hint to Understand the Stellar Initial Mass Function
Far-Infrared Emission from Intracluster Dust in Abell Clusters
Identification of SCUBA Sources With ISOCAM
The Nature of the Low-Metallicity ISM in the Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1569
The Japanese Infrared Space Missions
SOFIA and its facility Far Infrared Camera HAWC
PRONAOS, a scientific, technical and human adventure: Homage to Guy Serra
PRONAOS observations of the interstellar medium: New insights on interstellar Dust
Temperature-dependent FIR/sub-mm dust emissivity indices: some implications for the diffuse ISM dust composition
Heating of the Interstellar Medium
Organometallic Chemistry in the interstellar medium
The 3 Micron Band of Crystalline Water Ice Irradiated by Lyman- α UV Photons: Comparison with Ion Irradiation Effects
Probing massive cold cores discovered by ISO in quiescent galactic molecular complexes
Cold Dust and Very Cold Excess Emission in the Galaxy
Stellar sources in the ISOGAL outer bulge fields (7 and 15 μm ISOCAM observations)
Mid-IR Characterisation of Condensed Cores in Galactic GMC's (IR dark clouds of the ISOGAL project)
ASTRO-F: Infrared Imaging Surveyor (IRIS) Mission
PRONAOS submillimeter observation of the Cygnus X IC 1318a nebula
Dust emission in massive star-forming regions with PRONAOS: the Orion and M 17 molecular clouds
Variations of IR Spectra in carbon Mira, T Dra
The evolution of very small dust particles in molecular clouds observed with ISOCAM
L134N Revisited
Starforming region M 16: A near and mid IR study
Submillimeter C and CO Lines in Galaxies
Dust destruction and intermittent star formation history in blue compact dwarf galaxies
Infrared Number Count Model and Estimated Source Confusion Limits
Dust and CO Emission from high z Sources
Public access to infrared data and tools for multiwavelength analysis
Cold Sources in Star Forming Regions
The Extragalactic Background and its Contributing Galaxies
The 12CO(1—0) to H 2 conversion factor in normal late-type galaxies
FIR-mm optical properties of cosmic dust analog materials
Grain-Grain Coagulation in the ISM
ISOPHOT observations of the UIR bands in the diffuse interstellar medium
SCUBA Observations of Pre-Stellar Cores
Far infrared study of the giant star forming complex W 51
A deep ISOCAM survey in the SSA13
Constraining the Log N-Log S Relation of Far-Infrared Unresolved Sources Using a P(D) Analysis; Application to FIRBACK Maps Obtained by ISO
H 2 Absorption Measurement of Primordial Clouds
Status of the Odin Project
Archeops: A CMB anisotropy balloon experiment measuring a broad range of angular scales
FIRBE: New Japanese Balloon-Borne Infrared Telescope
Sub-millimetre analysis of a compact test range for Planck application
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