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Spanish Relativity Meeting - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles , ERE2007: Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
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Spanish Relativity Meeting - Encuentros Relativistas Españoles , ERE2007: Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
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Simulating relativistic binaries with Whisky
Simulation of Plasmoid Creation near a Rotating Black Hole
Compact X-Ray Sources: Strong Gravity at Work
Strains and Jets in black hole fields
Quantized states of spin emerging in classical spinor calculus
Past singularities in phantom theories
Polytropic spheres in Palatini f( R) gravity
Soliton solutions in relativistic field theories and gravitation
Marginally outer trapped surfaces in stationary initial data
The maximum mass of differentially rotating neutron stars
Gravitational Waves in Metric Theories
GRBs and Lorentz Invariance Violation
Cosmological Imprint of Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations
Dark energy FRW cosmology - dynamical system reconstruction
Dark Energy and Dark Matter as Geometric Effects in f( R) gravity
Braneworld cosmological perturbations
Application of Discrete Differential Forms in numerical General Relativity
Gravitational wave radiation from white dwarf close encounters in globular clusters
Dynamical laws of superenergy in General Relativity
The new potential for the Weyl tensor in N dimensions: gauge and wave equation
Symmetry breaking in nonlinear growth of bar instability
Astrometric observable and relativistic astrometric catalogues
Light propagation through large-scale inhomogeneities in the Universe and its impact on cosmological observations
The restoration of the quadrupole light bending: the Gaia Relativistic EXperiment (GAREX-II)
Time delays in cosmology with gravitational lenses
Consistence of a GL(3,R) gauge formulation for topological massive gravity
Remarks on the notion of global hyperbolicity
Algebraically general and gravito-electric rotating dust
Ruppeiner Geometry of Black Hole Thermodynamics
On Geometro-thermodynamics of Dilaton Black Holes
Construction of hyperboloidal black hole initial data
TEPEE/GReAT (General Relativity Accuracy Test in an Einstein Elevator): Advances in the detector development
The Fundamental theorem of Submanifolds in Braneworld Theory
Energy balance in the course of relativistic magnetic reconnection
Second Order Vector Perturbations on Bouncing Universes
The Search for Gravitational Waves
Properties of double neutron stars
The Evolution of density perturbations in modified theories of gravity
Gravitational waves and lensing in the metric theory proposed by Sobouti
Accelerating expansion and change of signature
Positioning in a flat two-dimensional space-time
On Conserved Charges of Asymptotically Flat and Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes in Arbitrary Dimensions
Non-inheriting Einstein-Maxwell theory and black holes
Dark Energy-Dark Matter Interaction from the Abell Cluster A586
A numerical study of Penrose-like inequalities in a family of axially symmetric initial data
Examples of Heun and Mathieu functions as solutions of wave equations in curved spaces
A New Type of Singularity Theorem
A new dissipation term for finite-difference simulations in Relativity
Warped Product Metrics with Rank-1 Ricci Tensor
Gravitational Lensing in the Metric Theory Proposed by Sobouti
The Confrontation Between General Relativity and Experiment
Gauge and constraint degrees of freedom: from analytical to numerical approximations in General Relativity
The Coincidence Problem in Cosmology
Gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae and their related compact objects
Newtonian and relativistic location systems
Constraining dark energy using H(z), CMB shift and SNIa observational data
Generation of primordial magnetic fields
Gravitational Collapse of Plasmas in General Relativity
Invar: computer algebra for the invariants of the Riemann tensor
Shear-free perfect fluids with divergence free magnetic Weyl curvature
A simple construction of conformal Yano-Killing tensors in anti-de Sitter spacetime
Dirac-type operators on curved spaces admitting Killing-Yano tensors
Gravitational Collapse to Toroidal and Higher Genus Black Holes
Gravitational Lensing Statistics by Galaxy Clusters with smoothness parameter depending on z
Probing the creatable character of some significant universe models
An approximate global stationary metric with axial symmetry for a perfect fluid with equation of state µ+(1- n) p = µ0: Interior Metric
An approximate global stationary metric with axial symmetry for a perfect fluid with equation of state µ+(1- n) p = µ0: Exterior metric
The Cosmological Constant Problem in Brane-world Cosmology
The BepiColombo mission to planet Mercury and the fundamental rôle of ISA accelerometer for the Radio Science Experiments
Recent Developments in the Dynamical Systems Approach to Alternative Gravity
Saturation of the Holographic Principle for Spatially Closed Cosmological Models
A GPL Relativistic Hydrodynamical Code
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