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4th French-Chinese Meeting on Solar Physics - Understanding Solar Activity: Advances and Challenges
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4th French-Chinese Meeting on Solar Physics - Understanding Solar Activity: Advances and Challenges
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Numerical modeling of the linear polarization in molecular lines of the solar flash spectrum
Temporal properties of decimetric spikes in solar flares
Sun’s small-scale magnetic field : from quiet region to polar region
Property of emerging flux regions and corresponding response of the upper atmosphere
Evolution of coronal hole boundaries observed by SDO
Magnetic field distribution in the quiet and active photosphere
Rotating Sunspots and Solar Eruptions
Electric current density and related sigmoid in an active region
The source regions of the solar wind revealed by UV/EUV spectroscopic observations
On the Frequency Distributions of Solar Soft X-ray Flares
Microwave burst with fine spectral structures in a solar flare on 2011 August 9
Extinction and Sky Brightness at Dome C
MISOLFA : a seeing monitor for daytime turbulence parameters measurement
Inversion of Zeeman Line Profiles Using Central Moments
Chromospheric Evaporation in Solar Flares
CME Trigger and Initiation
A small-scale extreme ultraviolet wave observed by SDO
Jacquinot shaped aperture for high contrast imaging of the solar corona
New Technology Solar Coronagraphs
Solar limb darkening function and solar diameter with eclipse observations
Automated detection of filaments from He II images
Kinematics and Differential Emission Measure of the Flux Rope during Coronal Mass Ejections
Magnetic Reconnection in a Canopy-type Magnetic Configuration for Solar Microflares
The Quiet Sun between 150 and 450 MHz : morphology and modeling
Homologous flares inducing EUV filament oscillations with subsequent eruption
ONSET-A New Multi-Wavelength Solar Telescope
New generation Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass for imaging spectropolarimetry - The S4I prototype
Height of the granulation contrast inversion layer derived from a cross-correlation method
Physical properties of Moving Magnetic Features observed around a pore
Heat Transport Problem in Solar Flares
Three-dimensional Radiative Transfer applied to the Diagnostics of Magnetic Fields
Forward-scattering Hanle effect in the solar Ca i 4227 Å line
Helicity of Solar Active Regions with Solar Cycles
Resistive magnetic flux emergence and formation of solar active regions
Quasi-static evolution of the reconstructed magnetic field of an emerging and eruptive active region
New perspectives on solar prominences
Prominence-cavity regions observed in 2010 eclipse flash spectra and SWAP images
Observation of magnetic reconnection at the turbulent leading edge of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection
Atmospheric fluctuations below 0.1 Hz during drift-scan solar diameter measurements
Solar diameter with 2012 Venus Transit
MHD simulations of the solar photosphere
solar spicules and jets
Vector magnetic field measurement and helicity of active regions
A fast method for constructing magnetic field models of solar active regions
Chromospheric magnetic fields of an active region filament
Prominence seismology using ground- and space-based observations
3D Kinematic Evolution of Erupting Filaments
Coronal jets in an inclined coronal magnetic field : a parametric 3D MHD study
Tomographic reconstruction of polar plumes
Plasmoid Ejection at a Solar Total Eclipse
The contraction of flare loops and its impact on the solar lower atmosphere
About the magnetic origin of Chromospheric Spicules and Coronal Jets
CME development in the corona and interplanetary medium : A multi-wavelength approach
A Converging View on EIT Waves
The Sun-Earth Connection of Energetic Particles
Current Status and Future Programs for the Measurement of Solar Magnetic Field in China
ESCAPE : a first step to high resolution solar coronagraphy in Antarctica
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