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19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
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19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
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The Weak Structure of the Nucleon
Universality and Beyond
Nonperturbative Renormalisation Group: Applications to the few and many-body systems
Mass spectra of the low-lying nonet scalar mesons in the lattice QCD
Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Atoms at DAΦNE
High precision beam momentum determination in a synchrotron using a spin resonance method
Understanding the X(3872) with QCD sum rules
Systematic measurement of pd breakup cross section at quasi-free scattering
A novel treatment of the proton-proton Coulomb force in proton-deuteron Faddeev calculations
Three-nucleon force effects in proton-deuteron scattering
Approximate Three-Dimensional Wave Function and the T-Matrix for the Sharply Cut Off Coulomb Potential
Similarity renormalization group evolution of N N interactions within a subtractive renormalization scheme
Measurement of 2H (p, pp) n cross sections at E p = 250 MeV
Three-Body pd Scattering with a Possible Long-Range Force
Two-pion exchange electromagnetic current in chiral effective field theory using the method of unitary transformation
FAIR - from a few-body perspective
Effective Field Theory and the No-Core Shell Model
Functional renormalization group and conformal invariance in cold atoms
The Spectrum of Particles with Short-Ranged Interactions in a Harmonic Trap
Renormalization and Universality of Van der Waals forces
Using highly excited baryons to catch the quark mass
A Relativistic Coupled-Channel Formalism for the Pion Form Factor
Compton Scattering on Light Nuclei
Application of correlated basis to a description of continuum states
Persistence of the Polarization in a Fusion Process
Steps for the Solution of Faddeev Integral Equations in Configuration Space
The Contribution of the Three-Body Process in the Nonmesonic Weak Decay of the Λ12C Hypernucleus.
Treatment of Two Nucleons in Three Dimensions
Electromagnetic interactions in Halo Effective Field Theory
Electromagnetic properties of the Beryllium-11 nucleus in Halo EFT
Structures of light halo nuclei described by an extended framework of antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
Low density nuclear matter in effective field theory
Study of breakup mechanism of a loosely bound projectile in a region of Coulomb-breakup dominance
ΛN and Ξ N Interactions Studied with Lattice QCD
Low-energy π NN system
N dynamics at and near threshold energies
The ABC Effect in the Double-Pionic Fusion to 4He.
Study of the N Interaction in a QCD Coulomb Gauge Quark Model
Correlated protons in 3He photo-disintegration
Short-range correlations studies in collisions of polarized nuclei at Nuclotron-M
Cluster properties and particle production in Poincaré invariant quantum mechanics
Recent experiments on three nucleon systems and problems to be solved
Neutron-Proton Scattering Experiments at ANKE-COSY
Analyzing Powers of the Deuteron-Proton Breakup in a Wide Phase Space Region
Measurements of scattering observables for the pd break-up reaction
Proton- 3He elastic scattering at low energies and the “ A y Puzzle”
NN Interaction JISP16: Current Status and Prospect
Modified effective range expansion for nucleon-nucleon scattering
Renormalization of Proton-Proton Scattering and Proton-Proton Fusion with Chiral Two Pion Exchange: Regulator Independent Results.
Definition of an appropriate free dynamics and the physical S-matrix in multichannel hyperradial adiabatic scattering
Neutron-Proton Mass Difference in Nuclear Matter and in Finite Nuclei and the Nolen-Schiffer Anomaly
Associated Λ/Σ0 electroproduction with the Kaos spectrometer at MAMI
Exotic nuclei with charm and bottom flavor
Future plans at COMPASS
Universality and Halo Nuclei
Structure of the X(3872) and its Isospin Symmetry Breaking
Longitudinal and transverse parton momentum distributions for pion and nucleon within relativistic constituent quark models
Surface-Integral Approach to the Coulomb Few-Body Scattering Problem
Few-Body Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics: application to 6He and 9Be production
Physics with diproton final states at ANKE-COSY
Exact Analytical Solutions in Three-Body Problems and Model of Neutrino Generator
Parity Violation in the NN System
Mass splitting of heavy-baryons from QCD sum rules
Σ-admixture in neutron-rich Li Λ hypernuclei in a microscopic shell-model calculation
Scattering of light nuclei
Functional renormalization group approach to the four-body problem
Two-particle Bound States: Mesons and Glueballs
Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 Atoms X-rays at J-PARC
nd Scattering Observables Predicted by the Quark-Model Baryon-Baryon Interaction
Tensor optimized shell model using bare interaction for light nuclei
α clustering and superdeformation of 28Si
Important role of three-body repulsive force effect in nuclear reactions
Electromagnetic Productions of the Hyperon and the Hypertriton Using Real and Virtual Photons
Quark Fragmentation to Pions in an Effective Chiral Theory
Exotic states in the S=1 N-pi-K system and low-lying 1/2+ S=-1 resonances
Recent progress in hypernuclear physics
Four-body neutron-recoil recombination reaction as an alternative path for bridging the A = 5, 8 gap in neutron-rich nucleosynthesis scenarios
Causality and universality in low-energy scattering
Recent results from the G0 experiment
Pionic Deuterium
Regge-plus-resonance predictions for charged-kaon photoproduction from the deuteron
Two- and three-body resonances in the NN − πΣN system
Low energy kaon nuclei interaction studies at DA ΦNE
K−3He and K−4He interactions at low energies
Experimental and theoretical backgrounds for generation of dibaryons in NN and 3N interactions
Elastic proton scattering on tritium below the n- 3He threshold
Photodisintegration of 3H in a three dimensional faddeev approach
3He Transverse (e,e’) Response Function in the Quasielastic Region
Few-nucleon contribution to π-scattering on light nuclei
Nuclear forces from EFT: Recent developments
Four-nucleon force contribution to the binding energy of 4He
Complete Set of Deuteron Analyzing Powers for dp Elastic Scattering at 250 MeV/nucleon and Three Nucleon Forces
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