| - In this paper, some of the important findings of recent measurements performed to study incomplete fusion at low bombarding energies (i.e., E lab ≈ 4-7 MeV/nucleon) in 12C, 16O+ 169Tm systems are briefly summarized. The spin-distributions of xn, pxn, αxn/2 αxn- channels have been measured to probe entirely different γ-emission patterns (and feeding intensity profiles) during the de-excitation of complete and incomplete fusion objects. Incomplete fusion strength function has been deduced (from the analysis of experimental excitation functions in context of equilibrated compound nucleus decay) to achieve information of onset and strength of incomplete fusion in terms of various entrance channel parameters. Presence of incomplete fusion at slightly above barrier energies has been confirmed by the measurement of linear momentum distribution of heavy recoils. Present results conclusively demonstrate, the existence of incomplete fusion at low bombarding energies, its strong dependence on entrance channel parameters, and the possibility to populate high spin states.